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One-Week Foresight Training in Paris

Drawing on their decades-long experience and their permanent innovative processes, Futuribles and 4Sing run a week-long seminar, combining theoretical underpinnings and methods with practical applications for organizations.

One-Week Foresight Training in Paris
One-Week Foresight Training in Paris

Time & Location

Sep 16, 2024, 9:30 AM GMT+2 – Sep 20, 2024, 5:00 PM GMT+2

Paris, 7th arrondissement, 75007 Paris, France

About the event

This training is aimed at (future) foresight professionals, whether they are just starting out on this path, or have already set up a foresight function within their organizations, and regardless of whether they have already carried out a foresight project or are about to do so for the first time. 

Offered entirely in English, the week-long seminar will also bring together and launch a conversation between foresight practitioners at a European and international level.


9/16. Why foresight and how to do it well?

9/17. How do organizations develop and use foresight?

9/18. People and places using foresight

9/19. Various foresight methods

9/20. Using foresight to make change happen now


The training is facilitated by Marie Ségur, Research Director at Futuribles, and Adrian Taylor, Founder of 4Sing (ForeSight to Strategy for Security and Sustainability IN Governance).

With the support of:

• Antoine Cahen, Special Foresight Advisor at the European Parliament Research Service (EPRS), has recently built scenarios on the Ukraine war and its aftermaths on the European Union.

• Léa Chaussis, Futures Literacy Expert and Associate Project Officer at UNESCO.

• Cécile Désaunay, Research Director at Futuribles.

• Olivier Desbiey, Group Head of Foresight at AXA.

• Erik Grab, Vice-President in charge of Strategic Anticipation and Co-Innovation at Michelin.

• François de Jouvenel, Director of Futuribles, General Delegate of Futuribles International.

• Marianne Julien, Foresight Investigation Leader and Facilitator at i-Lab at Air Liquide.

• Christine Kavazanjian, Futures Literacy & Foresight Expert and Project Officer at UNESCO.

• Michel Maietta, Founder of IARAN (Inter-Agency Research and Analysis Network), with a long experience of using foresight to face humanitarian crises.

• Pierre-Antoine Marti, Research Director at Futuribles.

• Michelle Rathman-Josserand, Director of the Strategic and Scientific Foresight and Risk Intelligence at L’Oréal.

• Corinne Roëls, General Secretary of Futuribles.

• Geraldine Wessing, Chief Political Analyst at Shell.



The early bird registration fee is 3,200 € excluding tax, or 3,840 € including VAT, until June 21, 2024. 

The standard registration fee is 4,000 € excluding tax, or 4,800 € including VAT.

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