
    I work as a consultant and researcher specializing in futures studies, as well as strategic and social foresight, focusing on both the European and Latin American markets. My work involves facilitating projects in corporate, educational, and community contexts, helping organizations and individuals navigate and shape the future.

    I collaborate with the Italian Institute for the Future and currently serve as the vice-president of ALAF (Latin American Futures Association). Together with Italian researcher Ariana Mereu, I developed the concept of Futurewashing, which we published in a scientific article in FUTURI, an Italian journal dedicated to futures studies.

    In 2020, I delivered my first TED Talk titled "Foresight for Dummies: Futures Studies Explained to My Daughter." In 2023, I had the opportunity to present the workshop "Verona in 2050: What Will the Natural Capital Be Like?" at TEDx Verona
