
    Future professions 2030

    Study on the adequacy of the Romanian educational offer with regards to the dynamics of emerging professions

    Publication Date:2021 December

    This study builds on a previous study (namely The future of work in 2030. An argument-based top of emerging professions). The set of emerging professions identified has then been the subject of a series of participatory exercises:

    - Through over 40 interviews and focus groups with over 100 stakeholders (employers from different industries and coordinators of academic programs relevant to the dynamics of the professions presented) we aimed to integrate diverse perspectives and interests in the debate on future labor developments and options in shaping the educational offer.
    - Subsequently, the space for debate expanded with a broader Dynamic Argumentative Delphi online consultation on the dynamics of demand for each profession in 2030 and the adequacy of the current educational provision.

    In addition to these prospective approaches, the study proposes an analysis of specializations in the Romanian higher education that are relevant for these “professions of the future”, which takes the form of graphical visualizations depicting the dynamics of university graduates in Romania who could access the inventoried professions.

    The study was published in Romanian as part of the project POCU INTL - Quality in higher education: internationalization and databases for the development of Romanian higher education.

    Project webpage: pocu-intl.uefiscdi.ro
