
    How to integrate strategic foresight into your organisation - Blueprint from Flanders

    2024-05-13 21:00 (CET) - 2024-05-15 10:30 (CET)

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    In this webinar, OECD together with the Government of Flanders will launch the blueprint for strategic foresight and discuss with experts on how other public organisations can also integrate strategic foresight into their systems.

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    Across OECD countries, strategic foresight has become an essential approach for governments to better anticipate and prepare for complex and volatile policy contexts and build resilience in policymaking. Strategic foresight helps to create shared goals, reframe policy issues, act as an early warning system, stress-test current policies and innovate for better policy outcomes.

    Over the course of 2022-2023 OECD worked together with the Government of Flanders to assess its strategic foresight capacity. As the result of the work OECD co-designed a blueprint for strategic foresight for the Government of Flanders. The blueprint sets a strategic direction to integrate strategic foresight into policymaking through specific actions, new roles and functions in government.

    In this webinar, OECD together with the Government of Flanders will launch the blueprint and discuss with experts on how other public organisations can also integrate strategic foresight into their systems.

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