Background and aim
The European Commission, DG RTD, has commissioned foresight projects to serve as a source of inspiration for the adjustment of existing and the identification of novel directions that Horizon Europe may want to take from 2025 onwards through its 2nd Strategic Plan.
This workshop brings together work from different projects on topics associated with potential disruptions and will aim to tease out implications for R&I policy and its contributions to important emerging challenges and opportunity spaces.
The aim of the workshop is to discuss the explorations of the future in a number of dynamic fields within a community of R&I foresight experts and representatives from European and national R&I policy organisations. The discussion will aim to prepare and strengthen a broader engagement effort through the online platform futures4europe.eu.
- Experts from the European Commission and the Member States and Associated Countries’ R&I policy agencies
- Research and subject matter experts
- Members of Futures4Europe.eu
- Public who is interested in sharing insights and shaping Europe's future
You're invited to participate in the event - simply click on the RSVP button below and add your details to save your spot. The details for the event link will be sent approximately one week before the event via email.