Imagine a world where young people are not just the leaders of tomorrow, but the co-creators of today.
That's the vision behind the Foresight for Intergenerational Decision-Making initiative, a brainchild of the Big Brainstorm project run by the Unlock the Future coalition, under the umbrella of the UN Foundation. The Big Brainstorm is like a global talent show on ideas. Young innovators from every corner of the world come together to brainstorm, design, and launch initiatives to tackle some of the biggest challenges humanity faces. This year, over 2,000 young minds have joined the Big Brainstorm, with nearly half of them proposing initiatives to speed up action towards the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
Out of these, twenty initiatives were selected, and one of them is the Foresight for Intergenerational Decision-Making. The heart of this initiative is a toolkit designed to run multi-stakeholder Foresight exercises. Think of it as a DIY kit for the future, helping young people to build meaningful spaces where they can engage with adults, particularly decision-makers and the private sector, to co-create their vision for the future. The initiative is based on the belief that young people have innovative ideas and stories that can help shape the future. By using Foresight tools, they can engage in a process of co-creation, sharing their perspectives and visions for the future with decision-makers, and learning to anticipate both the opportunities and threats behind different scenarios.
This summer, the toolkit will be put to the test different locations. It's like a world tour for the future, with young leaders from the United Nations Foundation’s Big Brainstorm leading the charge. The toolkit is being designed with the help of Foresight practitioners who have hands-on experience in intergenerational spaces and field experience in the Majority World.
Currently, the forward thinkers behind the initiative have launched a global survey and conduct interviews to understand the fears and hopes of young people.
Want to get involved ? You can complete the survey here and have the chance to connect with us at the end of the survey!
The Foresight for Intergenerational Decision-Making initiative is a big step towards a future-focused approach. It aims to provide young people with a toolkit for creating meaningful intergenerational spaces, create a platform for adolescents, young people, and Foresight practitioners to brainstorm together, and showcase examples of good practice that can be replicated across the world. The initiative is open to all young people and their allies who are willing to contribute to its goals and offer fresh insights. Any youth networks interested in leading the organization of piloting experiences are encouraged to get in touch with the Action Group.
In a nutshell, the Foresight for Intergenerational Decision-Making initiative is all about empowering young people to shape their futures. By giving them the tools and platforms to engage with decision-makers and the private sector, the initiative is nurturing a new generation of changemakers who are ready to tackle the world's most pressing challenges. The future is in our hands, and with the help of this initiative, young people are being given the tools to shape it.
So, let's roll up our sleeves and get ready to shape the future together!
Contact the coordination team: felibosch3@gmail.com / chalalidaouia@hotmail.fr / salifi.alimou@gmail.com / Claudette.salinas10@gmail.com
The future generations movement has been growing for almost thirty years and was given a new lease of life after the 2021 report Our Common Agenda. The UN Secretary General has called for a multilateral system that incorporates long-term thinking. This has sparked a momentum in the United Nations, leading to plans for a Summit of the Future in 2024, a Declaration on Future Generations, and a recommendation to appoint a Special Envoy for Future Generations.