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  • fedora

    COLLECTIONS > PROJECTS > FEDORA > FEDORA Regenerating the ecosystem of science learning by developing a future-oriented model to enable creative thinking, foresight and active hope as skills needed in formal and informal science education. 16966 0 4 EXTERNAL LINKS Ich bin ein Textabschnitt. Klicke hier, um OUTPUTS Future-Oriented Science Education manifesto_October_2022.pdf ​ Blog Albert Norström DOWNLOAD Memoiren science education MEET THE EXPERTS Futures4Europe Admin View on LinkedIn RELATED BLOGS More Blogs 1 2 3 4 5 1 ... 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 ... 100 Be part of the foresight community! Share your insights! Let the Futures4Europe community know what you are working on and share insights from your foresight research or your foresight project. Sign Up RELATED PROJECTS More Projects FEDORA Regenerating the ecosystem of science learning by developing a future-oriented model to enable creative thinking, foresight and active hope as skills needed in formal and informal science education. 16966 4 1 1 ... 1 ... 1 RELATED DISCUSSION POSTS More Discussion Posts NBA2King: This requires understanding market trends Blog September 4, 2024 1 0 0 MMOexp: Diablo 4 extends beyond its launch Blog September 4, 2024 2 0 0 MMOexp: FC 25 demands a decent processor Blog September 4, 2024 1 0 0 Slowly getting serious about solar geoengineering Blog February 21, 2023 29 1 1 1 2 3 4 5 1 ... 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 ... 38 Start a new Discussion Join our community! We are all citizens. Register here now and get involved in this community and maybe even share your theme related project. Sign Up

  • alternative-climate-scenarios-2040-green-dream

    THEMES / PROJECTS / BLOGS / Alternative Climate Scenarios 2040: Green Dream / Alternative Climate Scenarios 2040: Green Dream Sirkku Juhola Aug 30, 2022 This autumn experts are developing alternative climate scenarios as part of a foresight project that helps prepare the 2nd Strategic Plan 2024-2027 of the Horizon Europe Framework Programme for R&I. The project is conducted by the “Foresight on Demand” Consortium on behalf of the European Commission, DG RTD. In a Deep Dive area “Climate change and R&I: from social change to geoengineering”, together with the other members of the expert team, I am developing, among others, this 'green dream' scenario. Get involved, comment on the scenario and relate the scenario to recent developments! Scenario dimensions Strong global governance; Sustainable lifestyles; Adverse to risk-taking; Vigorous activism Impacts and risk areas in 2040, global warming stays below 1.3C above pre-industrial levels and is expected to stabilised below 1.5C. While this is resulting in broadly moderate changes and risks in the existing climate, in some areas like coral reefs and glaciers impacts are severe. Hazards in Europe are mostly visible in key exposure areas, such as cities, and settlements in low-lying areas, affecting key infrastructure. Hazards include moderate sea level rise and increased heatwaves that affect human health and the agricultural sector. Climate risks assessments are regularly employed to assess how much adaptation is necessary. Demographics, economy and governance High levels of mitigation and adaptation are driven by the EU strategic shift towards sustainable energy autonomy, accelerated by the war in Ukraine in the early 2020s. Climate policy is also strongly driven by member states and regional authorities, particularly in higher-risk areas. Guidelines issued for European businesses, such as the EU Taxonomy and ESG investments have heavily influenced and steered businesses towards more sustainable practices for several decades. This has encouraged European climate business to grow and lead the global markets, supported by decades of joint research and development towards just transitions. The EU has been successful in leading global governance efforts in climate policy and major powers like the US and China have joined forces to push other lagging countries to strengthen the commitments. The countries have also ratified the Global Carbon Tax Agreement and the precautionary Pact for Common Geoengineering Mechanism. The former aims to alleviate past injustices by using proceeds for restorative climate and development measures globally. The latter provides the forum to discuss geoengineering approaches in an transparent way. All this is backed by international financial cooperation for mitigation and adaptation, ensuring also funds for developing countries. The EU celebrates its ten-year anniversary of banning investments in fossil fuel-based assets. Within the EU, the institutional redesign has drawn heavily on the principles of just transition and climate justice, building wide support for climate action. At the local level, citizen assemblies are a common way of engaging people. EU-wide Climate Barometer+, a deliberative policy tool which gauges European public opinion and is rarely ignored when decisions are made in terms of climate policy. It is employed Unionwide at regular intervals to gauge the public opinion and acceptability of climate policy. These include risk acceptance surveys of climate policy (strategy and implementation), and although the results are not legally binding, they nevertheless raise the level of compliance of policies across the Union. Acceptance of risk continues to be low, steering the options towards the “precautionary principle” and also screening out some climate solutions. Practices and technologies Official climate policies have taken up many initiatives of civil movements, among others flexible and or shorter work weeks, promotion of shared housing and plant-based diets. Furthermore, the focus on responsible research and innovation to ensure social acceptability of new practices and technologies have supported the rapid diffusion of prosumer schemes of urban farming and renewable energy micro-grids and mobility, for instance. Integrated systemic approaches building on synergies between adaptation and mitigation and sustainability more broadly have created green, liveable and walkable cities, and neighbourhoods. European public-private partnerships are ‘exporting’ this know-how, widely requested across the world with supported social innovations and mechanisms of deliberative democracy for informed decision-making regarding climate. The EU climate policy portfolio also includes some less risky geoengineering options. In accordance with the new Common Geoengineering Mechanism, the EU is championing international pilots on ocean alkalinization and de-desertification and directing significant investments in biochar, extensive peatland and wetland restoration across the EU and scaling up permaculture and agroforestry practices. Acceptability of new geoengineering options is gauged through deliberative tools before they are piloted. The social and environmental impacts of any new geoengineering are assessed based on the Directive for NBS (for mitigation, adaptation and carbon removal), which sets effective standards and mechanisms to prevent undesirable side-impacts. Lifestyles and activism In Europe, people have become highly aware of the climate crisis and, even if they feel personally less vulnerable to changes, they stay committed to climate action through demonstrations, boycotts and witnessing and watching, as well as influencing through consumer choice and shareholder activism. These social movements have jointly contributed to the general outlook and preferences in lifestyles that emphasise frugality and sustainability, translating into shifts towards more sustainable mobility, housing and working. 17562 0 3 Scenarios Climate change Just transition Sustainable living Global governance Geoengineering EXTERNAL LINKS Url Comments Cancel Publish Login 1 2 3 4 5 1 ... 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 ... 100 FUTURES LITERACY More about Futures Literacy New to foresight or want to deepen your knowledge on methods? Interested in the latest research and videos from the Futures4Europe community? Find out more in our futures literacy database! Eliza Savvopoulou As a partner of the Eye of Europe Project, Helenos will implement its first pilot on Fashion Futuring, investigating potential links among objects, fiction, culture, and systems to understand how the values of the systems/societies can shape the future of fashion. First Pilot on Fashion Futuring in the works! 1552 0 0 Iva Vancurova Eye of Europe Mutual Learning Event: Policy Oriented Communication of Foresight Results 2091 0 0 Renata Mandzhieva Between 16th - 19th of July, Eye of Europe consortium partners AIT and Fraunhofer ISI attended the 2024 conference by the European Association for the Study of Science and Technology (EASST) and the Society for Social Studies of Science (4S). Foresight at EASST-4S 2024 Conference in Amsterdam 1997 0 1 Dana Wasserbacher The conference took place from 5-7 June 2024, and aimed to explore what conceptions of “better worlds” are being pursued by STI policies. Embedding Foresight in Next-Generation Transformative Innovation Policies 488 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 1 ... 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 ... 26 Be part of the foresight community! Share your insights! Let the Futures4Europe community know what you are working on and share insights from your foresight research or your foresight project. Submit your Blogpost

  • Outputs | Futures4Europe

    THEMES / Outputs Use this area to upload files you wish to share with other site visitors. Site Visitors can view and download. Only members can upload and share files. When uploading files, please make sure you own the rights to share the documents. Showcasing Perspectives: A Stocktaking of R&I Foresight Practices in Europe ​ Showcasing Perspectives A Stocktaking of R&I Foresight Practices in Europe.pdf Download Future risks ​ Risks on the Horizon_Insights from Horizon Scanning.pdf Download Vision ECO2050: The Future of the Economy by 2050, following the example of Luxembourg ​ ECO2050 Vision_The Future of the Luxembourg Economy by 2050 in 10 Building Blocks 2023.pdf Download ECO2050 Vision_The Future of the Luxembourg Economy by 2050_Full Report 2023.pdf Download Vision ECO2050 L'avenir de l'économie du Luxembourg en 2050_Brochure en 10 Blocs 2023.pdf Download Future Resources ​ Future Resources Ecological Imperatives powered by Newness.pdf Download Future Days: Actionable futures festival ​ Future Days - Lisboa e o Futuro 2024.pdf Download Suppressing indoor pathogen transmission: A Technology Foresight study ​ Suppressing indoor pathogen transmission_A Technology Foresight study.pdf Download FUTURINNOV ​ (DIS)ENTANGLING THE FUTURE Horizon-scanning for emerging technologies and breakthrough innovations in the field of quantum technologies.pdf Download Eyes on the Future - Signals from recent reports on emerging technologies and breakthrough innovations to support European Innovation Council strategic intelligence - Volume 1.pdf Download Unleashing the Potential for Competitiveness: Trends in the Western Balkans ​ Aufklappbarer Text ist ideal für längere Abschnittstitel und Beschreibungen. So können Personen auf alle notwendigen Informationen zugreifen, während das Layout übersichtlich bleibt. Verlinke deinen Text beliebig oder richte ein Textfeld ein, das sich per Klick vergrößert. Text hier eingeben ... Strategic Foresight in the Western Balkans: Recovery on the Horizon ​ Aufklappbarer Text ist ideal für längere Abschnittstitel und Beschreibungen. So können Personen auf alle notwendigen Informationen zugreifen, während das Layout übersichtlich bleibt. Verlinke deinen Text beliebig oder richte ein Textfeld ein, das sich per Klick vergrößert. Text hier eingeben ... Eye of Europe Jun 5, 2024 Aufklappbarer Text ist ideal für längere Abschnittstitel und Beschreibungen. So können Personen auf alle notwendigen Informationen zugreifen, während das Layout übersichtlich bleibt. Verlinke deinen Text beliebig oder richte ein Textfeld ein, das sich per Klick vergrößert. Text hier eingeben ... Sound of Contagion – An Artistic Research Project Exploring A.I. as a Creative Tool for Transmedial Storytelling ​ Aufklappbarer Text ist ideal für längere Abschnittstitel und Beschreibungen. So können Personen auf alle notwendigen Informationen zugreifen, während das Layout übersichtlich bleibt. Verlinke deinen Text beliebig oder richte ein Textfeld ein, das sich per Klick vergrößert. Text hier eingeben ... Reimagining the Food System: scanning the horizon for emerging social innovations ​ Aufklappbarer Text ist ideal für längere Abschnittstitel und Beschreibungen. So können Personen auf alle notwendigen Informationen zugreifen, während das Layout übersichtlich bleibt. Verlinke deinen Text beliebig oder richte ein Textfeld ein, das sich per Klick vergrößert. Text hier eingeben ... MEGATRENDS 2050. THE CHANGING WORLD: impacts in Portugal ​ Aufklappbarer Text ist ideal für längere Abschnittstitel und Beschreibungen. So können Personen auf alle notwendigen Informationen zugreifen, während das Layout übersichtlich bleibt. Verlinke deinen Text beliebig oder richte ein Textfeld ein, das sich per Klick vergrößert. Text hier eingeben ... Strategic Foresight for Sustainability (SF4S) May 24, 2024 Aufklappbarer Text ist ideal für längere Abschnittstitel und Beschreibungen. So können Personen auf alle notwendigen Informationen zugreifen, während das Layout übersichtlich bleibt. Verlinke deinen Text beliebig oder richte ein Textfeld ein, das sich per Klick vergrößert. Text hier eingeben ... Horizon Scanning for Responsible Research and Innovation May 24, 2024 Aufklappbarer Text ist ideal für längere Abschnittstitel und Beschreibungen. So können Personen auf alle notwendigen Informationen zugreifen, während das Layout übersichtlich bleibt. Verlinke deinen Text beliebig oder richte ein Textfeld ein, das sich per Klick vergrößert. Text hier eingeben ... MOVING (Mountain Valorization through Interconnectedness and Green Growth) May 15, 2024 Aufklappbarer Text ist ideal für längere Abschnittstitel und Beschreibungen. So können Personen auf alle notwendigen Informationen zugreifen, während das Layout übersichtlich bleibt. Verlinke deinen Text beliebig oder richte ein Textfeld ein, das sich per Klick vergrößert. Text hier eingeben ... Foresight towards the 2nd Strategic Plan for Horizon Europe ​ Foresight on Demand - Foresight towards the 2nd Strategic Plan for Horizon Europe.pdf Download 4Growth project - Understanding the Market to Forecast Future Growth ​ Aufklappbarer Text ist ideal für längere Abschnittstitel und Beschreibungen. So können Personen auf alle notwendigen Informationen zugreifen, während das Layout übersichtlich bleibt. Verlinke deinen Text beliebig oder richte ein Textfeld ein, das sich per Klick vergrößert. Text hier eingeben ... Reference Foresight Scenarios: Scenarios on the global standing of the EU in 2040 ​ Reference Foresight Scenarios.pdf Download Stress-testing of policy options using foresight scenarios.pdf Download ANTICIPINNOV: Anticipation and monitoring of emerging technologies and disruptive innovation ​ Everybody is looking into the future! A literature review of reports on emerging technologies and disruptive innovation.pdf Download Scanning deep tech horizons_Participatory Collection and Assessment of Signals and Trends.pdf Download Technology foresight for public funding of innovation.pdf Download Identifying future critical technologies for space, defence and related civil industries ​ Identifying future critical technologies for space, defence and related civil industries.pdf Download Harvesting change: Harnessing emerging technologies and innovations for agrifood system transformation ​ Aufklappbarer Text ist ideal für längere Abschnittstitel und Beschreibungen. So können Personen auf alle notwendigen Informationen zugreifen, während das Layout übersichtlich bleibt. Verlinke deinen Text beliebig oder richte ein Textfeld ein, das sich per Klick vergrößert. Text hier eingeben ... Eye of Europe - The Research and Innovation Foresight Community ​ Showcasing Perspectives A Stocktaking of R&I Foresight Practices in Europe.pdf Download Foresight for R&I policy_Emerging practices_Mutual Learning Event.pdf Download Eye of Europe Deliverable 3.1 Mapping the Course - EoE Foresight Pilot Topics_Disclaimer.p Download RESCHAPE - Reshaping Supply Chains for a positive social impact Feb 5, 2024 Aufklappbarer Text ist ideal für längere Abschnittstitel und Beschreibungen. So können Personen auf alle notwendigen Informationen zugreifen, während das Layout übersichtlich bleibt. Verlinke deinen Text beliebig oder richte ein Textfeld ein, das sich per Klick vergrößert. Text hier eingeben ... Long-Term Implications of the Digital Transition for Farmers and Rural Communities ​ Digital transition_Long-term implications for EU farmers and rural communities.pdf Download ESPAS Horizon Scanning ​ Aufklappbarer Text ist ideal für längere Abschnittstitel und Beschreibungen. So können Personen auf alle notwendigen Informationen zugreifen, während das Layout übersichtlich bleibt. Verlinke deinen Text beliebig oder richte ein Textfeld ein, das sich per Klick vergrößert. Text hier eingeben ... Futures Consciousness Scale Nov 29, 2023 The Five Dimensions of Futures Consciousness.pdf Download How will we disgust our descendants? Nov 21, 2023 Report_How will we disgust our descendants.pdf Download Chem4EU Foresight for chemicals Nov 21, 2023 Aufklappbarer Text ist ideal für längere Abschnittstitel und Beschreibungen. So können Personen auf alle notwendigen Informationen zugreifen, während das Layout übersichtlich bleibt. Verlinke deinen Text beliebig oder richte ein Textfeld ein, das sich per Klick vergrößert. Text hier eingeben ... Futures Garden ​ Aufklappbarer Text ist ideal für längere Abschnittstitel und Beschreibungen. So können Personen auf alle notwendigen Informationen zugreifen, während das Layout übersichtlich bleibt. Verlinke deinen Text beliebig oder richte ein Textfeld ein, das sich per Klick vergrößert. Text hier eingeben ... FORGING - Industry-Academia Forum to uncover the potential of emerging enabling technologies Nov 8, 2023 Aufklappbarer Text ist ideal für längere Abschnittstitel und Beschreibungen. So können Personen auf alle notwendigen Informationen zugreifen, während das Layout übersichtlich bleibt. Verlinke deinen Text beliebig oder richte ein Textfeld ein, das sich per Klick vergrößert. Text hier eingeben ... Futures of civic resilience in Europe Nov 6, 2023 FoD_Policy Brief_Civic Resilience.pdf Download FORPOL Oct 18, 2023 Aufklappbarer Text ist ideal für längere Abschnittstitel und Beschreibungen. So können Personen auf alle notwendigen Informationen zugreifen, während das Layout übersichtlich bleibt. Verlinke deinen Text beliebig oder richte ein Textfeld ein, das sich per Klick vergrößert. Text hier eingeben ... Actualization of Czech republic 2030 strategy Oct 18, 2023 Aufklappbarer Text ist ideal für längere Abschnittstitel und Beschreibungen. So können Personen auf alle notwendigen Informationen zugreifen, während das Layout übersichtlich bleibt. Verlinke deinen Text beliebig oder richte ein Textfeld ein, das sich per Klick vergrößert. Text hier eingeben ... Foresight for Social Innovation Oct 18, 2023 Aufklappbarer Text ist ideal für längere Abschnittstitel und Beschreibungen. So können Personen auf alle notwendigen Informationen zugreifen, während das Layout übersichtlich bleibt. Verlinke deinen Text beliebig oder richte ein Textfeld ein, das sich per Klick vergrößert. Text hier eingeben ... EUARENAS Oct 18, 2023 Aufklappbarer Text ist ideal für längere Abschnittstitel und Beschreibungen. So können Personen auf alle notwendigen Informationen zugreifen, während das Layout übersichtlich bleibt. Verlinke deinen Text beliebig oder richte ein Textfeld ein, das sich per Klick vergrößert. Text hier eingeben ... Futures of Big Tech Oct 17, 2023 Futures of Big Tech in Europe. Scenarios and Policy Implications.pdf Download FEDORA Oct 10, 2023 Future-Oriented Science Education manifesto_October_2022.pdf Download Futures of innovation and IP regulation ​ Futures of innovation and intellectual property regulation_EU publication.pdf Download Futures of Green Skills and Jobs in Europe 2050 ​ Futures of Green Skills and Jobs in Europe in 2050_Scenario and Policy Implications.pdf Download Global Futures of Climate (Online Course) Sep 5, 2023 Aufklappbarer Text ist ideal für längere Abschnittstitel und Beschreibungen. So können Personen auf alle notwendigen Informationen zugreifen, während das Layout übersichtlich bleibt. Verlinke deinen Text beliebig oder richte ein Textfeld ein, das sich per Klick vergrößert. Text hier eingeben ... i-Portunus Houses – Kick-Start a Local Mobility Host Network for Artists & Cultural Professionals in AllCreative Europe Countries ​ IPH_V1_Conceptual framework of mobility in culture.pdf Download IPH_V2_Study on mobility in culture.pdf Download IPH_V3_Evaluation of the i-Portunus Houses Grant Scheme.pdf Download IPH_V4_Scenario for the future of mobility in culture.pdf Download Smart Futures Tunisia – Exploring the digital skills of tomorrow (a foresight journey into the year 2035) ​ Smart Futures Tunisia_Exploring the Digital Skills of Tomorrow.pdf Download The Responsible Research and Innovation Living Lab and The Prospects of Institutionalizing the Values of Openness and Mutual Responsiveness in Science and Democracy: ​ Aufklappbarer Text ist ideal für längere Abschnittstitel und Beschreibungen. So können Personen auf alle notwendigen Informationen zugreifen, während das Layout übersichtlich bleibt. Verlinke deinen Text beliebig oder richte ein Textfeld ein, das sich per Klick vergrößert. Text hier eingeben ... OrganicTargets4EU Jun 1, 2023 Aufklappbarer Text ist ideal für längere Abschnittstitel und Beschreibungen. So können Personen auf alle notwendigen Informationen zugreifen, während das Layout übersichtlich bleibt. Verlinke deinen Text beliebig oder richte ein Textfeld ein, das sich per Klick vergrößert. Text hier eingeben ... Foresight for Intergenerational Decision-Making: Empowering Youth to Shape the Future ​ Aufklappbarer Text ist ideal für längere Abschnittstitel und Beschreibungen. So können Personen auf alle notwendigen Informationen zugreifen, während das Layout übersichtlich bleibt. Verlinke deinen Text beliebig oder richte ein Textfeld ein, das sich per Klick vergrößert. Text hier eingeben ... MUSAE May 31, 2023 Aufklappbarer Text ist ideal für längere Abschnittstitel und Beschreibungen. So können Personen auf alle notwendigen Informationen zugreifen, während das Layout übersichtlich bleibt. Verlinke deinen Text beliebig oder richte ein Textfeld ein, das sich per Klick vergrößert. Text hier eingeben ... FORGING - Industry-Academia Forum to uncover the potential of emerging enabling technologies ​ Aufklappbarer Text ist ideal für längere Abschnittstitel und Beschreibungen. So können Personen auf alle notwendigen Informationen zugreifen, während das Layout übersichtlich bleibt. Verlinke deinen Text beliebig oder richte ein Textfeld ein, das sich per Klick vergrößert. Text hier eingeben ... GovTech Connect May 23, 2023 Aufklappbarer Text ist ideal für längere Abschnittstitel und Beschreibungen. So können Personen auf alle notwendigen Informationen zugreifen, während das Layout übersichtlich bleibt. Verlinke deinen Text beliebig oder richte ein Textfeld ein, das sich per Klick vergrößert. Text hier eingeben ... Road-STEAMer May 23, 2023 Aufklappbarer Text ist ideal für längere Abschnittstitel und Beschreibungen. So können Personen auf alle notwendigen Informationen zugreifen, während das Layout übersichtlich bleibt. Verlinke deinen Text beliebig oder richte ein Textfeld ein, das sich per Klick vergrößert. Text hier eingeben ...

  • the-millennium-project

    COLLECTIONS > PROJECTS > The Millennium Project > The Millennium Project The Millennium Project is a global participatory think tank established in 1996 under the American Council for the United Nations University that became independent in 2009 and has grown to 73 Nodes around the world (an MP Node is a group of institutions and individuals that connect local and global perspectives). Purpose: Improve humanity’s prospects for building a better future. Mission: Improve thinking about the future and make that thinking available through a variety of media for feedback to accumulate wisdom about the future for better decisions today. Vision: A global foresight network of Nodes, information, and software, building a global collective intelligence system recognized for its ability to improve prospects for humanity. A think tank on behalf of humanity, not on behalf of a government, or an issue, or an ideology, but on behalf of building a better future for all of us. 27846 0 0 EXTERNAL LINKS Ich bin ein Textabschnitt. Klicke hier, um OUTPUTS Ich bin ein Textabschnitt. Klicke hier, um deinen eigenen Text hinzuzufügen und mich zu bearbeiten. Is Hydrogen that good for the Climate? Blog Albert Norström Button Memoiren Title Type Firstname Lastname Mar 30, 2022 Button Memoiren Ich bin ein Textabschnitt. Klicke hier, um deinen eigenen Text hinzuzufügen und mich zu bearbeiten. Is Hydrogen that good for the Climate? Blog Albert Norström Button Memoiren Democracy Political participation Education MEET THE EXPERTS Futures4Europe Admin View on LinkedIn RELATED BLOGS More Blogs 0 0 0 The Word on The Tweet: Social Media Signals on The Future of Democracy Social media provides a window into current debates, social issues and topics that are relevant to communities. This blog post summarises EUARENAS future-thinking work that used social media signals as its starting point to explore the future of democracy. Hayley Trowbridge 1 1 ... 1 ... 1 Be part of the foresight community! Share your insights! Let the Futures4Europe community know what you are working on and share insights from your foresight research or your foresight project. Sign Up RELATED PROJECTS More Projects Strategic Foresight for Sustainability (SF4S) SF4S is a collaborative action with partners from Higher Education institutions (HEIs), Vocational Education and Training (VET) providers, innovation networks and business entities from the Agri-food, Health and the Mobility sectors. Carried out between July 2022 - June 2025, SF4S supports our transition to a more sustainable European economy by helping to address the lack of green, digital and future (i.e. sustainability foresight) skills among students and professionals and by connecting knowledge flows between HEI, VET and industry actors that are necessary for Europe to develop cooperative solutions on a large-scale and support the recommendations for action in the major reports and initiatives: Green Deal, NextGenerationEU, European Skills Agenda and OECD Future of Education and Skills 2030. Partners Designskolen Kolding (coordinator) ISPIM HKMW GEA College IZT - Institute for Futures Studies and Technology Assessment Finland Futures Research Centre Estonian Design Centre EDHEC Business School TalTech Airbus Region Midtjylland Nordic FoodTech VC Lufthansa Help Alliance CoModule North Estonia Medical Centre La Muu Michelin Peter Larsen Kaffe 6404 0 Futures Consciousness Scale Collaborative research on the human capacity to understand, anticipate, prepare for, and embrace the future. About Futures Consciousness The futures consciousness concept and scale has been developed by researchers at the Finland Futures Research Centre (University of Turku) and University of Geneva, with help from other contributors. Teach the Future received a grant from the World Futures Studies Federation (WFSF) and the Prince Mohammad bin Fahd University (PMU) to adapt the Scale for use by young people, ages 12-18. The results of that grant are being submitted for publication by the partners. After that, the Scale will be available for use by schools and other organizations that work with youth. The details will be published on this page shortly. Take the test: The Five Dimensions of Futures Consciousness are: time perspective; the ability to be aware of the past, present and future, as well as the way events follow each other over time agency beliefs; basic sense of confidence that an individual has in their own ability to influence the external world openness to alternatives; abilities used to critically question commonly accepted ideas and influences an individual’s willingness to consider alternative ways of being and doing systems perception; the ability to recognize human and natural systems around us including groups, societies and ecosystems concern for others; relates to the degree to which an individual pursues favourable futures for a group beyond themselves Full article explaining the concept: The Five Dimensions of Futures Consciousness (Ahvenharju et al., 2018) Our partners Teach the Future collaborates with the University of Turku in Finland, the Finland Futures Research Centre and Digital Futures to research and promote the work in the context of education and (young) students. Sanna Ahvenharju, Matti Minkkinen and Fanny Lalot are the research experts that developed the futures consciousness concept and scale. Our activities Teach the Future supports the development of a scale matching the language and level of young people. This project is in collaboration with schools in the Netherlands, Italy, Turkiye, United States, and United Kingdom. And we thank our sponsor the Prince Mohammad Bin Fahd, Center for Futuristic Studies. Next to this we support the testing. Erica Bol has worked with Martin de Wolf of the Master Learning and Innovation at the Fontys University of Applied Sciene. She designed a futures lesson program supporting the Master program and tested if the students futures consciousness improved. The students did a test before and after the lessons program. A paper on the project and results are published in FUTURES issue 12-2022. 15538 3 Actualization of Czech republic 2030 strategy The aim of this study was to serve as one of the inputs to the update and to initiate a discussion on the possibilities of updating the Czech republic 2030 strategy. In order to ensure that this strategic document reflects the dynamic developments on the global and domestic scene, mechanisms for regular reviews and updates of the objectives and measures have been proposed. Given the events of the last 3 years (especially the Covid-19 pandemic and the Russian invasion of Ukraine), it is relevant to review the relevance of the assumptions regarding the long-term development of the Czech Republic, which served as the basis for the original wording of the strategic objectives and targeting of the document. The role of České priority was to provide foresight exercises in order to reach two goals: Assess the relevance of existing goals: the problems and challenges facing society are changing and so are the definition of objectives for further development. The task of this section is therefore also to determine whether the original ČR 2030 goals are still relevant in the context of change and respond to the major challenges that society is facing and will continue to face in the coming decades. Identify blind spots: there may be issues or opportunities that the document does not cover - i.e. blind spots. The next task of this part of the update is to identify such gaps to increase the comprehensiveness of the document. The project was implemented in the form of workshops, which were attended by experts and representatives of public institutions and ministries. On the basis of pre-prepared scenarios of development, the participants had to identify the resulting challenges, opportunities and areas that have not yet been covered in the CR 2030. The list of these areas was subsequently consulted with representatives of public institutions. These expert consultations were complemented by input from the general public through a creative competition held in September 2022. 22354 2 EUARENAS Democracy across Europe has experienced immense challenge, change and uncertainty in recent years (Canal 2014; European Commission & Merkel; 2019) - from the rise of populism to decreasing levels of public trust in governance institutions and processes, to the war in Ukraine. Set against the backdrop of these issues, EUARENAS has been investigating how cities and urban spaces can strengthen legitimacy, identification and engagement within the democratic public sphere. Specifically, EUARENAS has been exploring how participation and deliberation in democracy and decision-making can be increased, and how voices and communities who are excluded from such arenas can be more actively involved. Foresight is one of the research strands present in EUARENAS. In this project, foresight is both a tool for understanding democratic innovations as they emerge, and for engaging citizens and other actors in such innovations within the participatory and deliberative realms. Mixed method approaches to foresight that incorporate a diversity of activities such as media discourse analysis, lived experience storytelling, social media analysis, three horizons mapping, driver-mapping, scenario and visioning exercises and policy stress- testing have been used in EUARENAS to investigate and hypothesise over future trends and scenarios in participatory democracies. From this work, we propose the following recommendations for Cities wanting to strive towards more equitable local democracies:Address structural barriers to participation Build relationships of trustInvest in formal and civic educationMake decisions for the long-termA more equitable, inclusive local democracy landscape is not too far in the distance for us to conceive it being possible. In fact, the future is now – the seeds to create it are already being planted, they just need nurturing by:Scaling and mainstreaming existing pilot or niche practices that are working locally – whether that beparticipatory budgeting, citizen assemblies or other smaller-scale projects – so that these become thenew ‘status quo’Adopting test and learn approaches to promote experimentation and on-going learning – this will enableongoing innovation and be responsive to society's needsFinding ways to celebrate and connect-up the small changes that are taking place - this will help peoplesee that progress is being made, even when it feels like things are changing too slow 18480 0 1 2 3 1 ... 1 2 3 ... 3 RELATED DISCUSSION POSTS More Discussion Posts 1 2 3 4 5 1 ... 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 ... 38 Start a new Discussion Join our community! We are all citizens. 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  • Projects

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  • futures-of-science-for-policy-in-europe

    COLLECTIONS > PROJECTS > Futures of Science for Policy in Europe > Futures of Science for Policy in Europe The project explores futures of science for policy; practices and processes by which information is exchanged between knowledge actors and policymakers with the intention to produce scientifically-informed policy in Europe. We are making a deep dive into developments which are currently underway and will take us to different possible 2030s, according to events largely unpredictable and decisions bound by a number of constraints of diverse nature. The project is one of eight foresight deep dives of the project 'European R&I foresight and public engagement for Horizon Europe ' carried out by the Foresight on Demand consortium. 25862 0 1 EXTERNAL LINKS Ich bin ein Textabschnitt. Klicke hier, um Ich bin ein Textabschnitt. Klicke hier, um OUTPUTS Futures of Science for Policy in Europe_Scenarios and policy implications.pdf ​ Blog Albert Norström DOWNLOAD Memoiren Science for Policy Scenarios EU R&I policy Artificial intelligence Deep Dive MEET THE EXPERTS Totti Könnölä Foresight, Innovation & Sustainability View on LinkedIn Leena Sarvaranta Dr View on LinkedIn Albert Bravo-Biosca View on LinkedIn Matthias Weber View on LinkedIn Rene von schomberg Science in an open society; research and democratic culutures View on LinkedIn Bruna De Marchi View on LinkedIn RELATED BLOGS More Blogs 0 0 0 Futures of Science for Policy in Europe: Scenarios and Policy Implications In the recently published brief ‘Futures of Science for Policy in Europe: Scenarios and Policy Implications’, we explore practices and processes by which information should be exchanged between knowledge actors and policy-makers with the intention to produce scientifically informed policies in Europe. We can see an increasing prominence of science in many public debates and the increasing willingness of governments to mobilize scientific and other advice mechanisms in the context of public debate. Leena Sarvaranta 0 0 0 Horizon Futures Watch Workshop 3: Future of Science for Policy in Europe This blog post summarizes the dissemination event held for the 'Futures of Science for Policy in Europe ' project. Emma Coroler 1 1 ... 1 ... 1 Be part of the foresight community! Share your insights! Let the Futures4Europe community know what you are working on and share insights from your foresight research or your foresight project. Sign Up RELATED PROJECTS More Projects Reference Foresight Scenarios: Scenarios on the global standing of the EU in 2040 The Reference Foresight Scenarios report from the European Commission Joint Research Centre (JRC) summarizes the results of a foresight process that started at the end of 2020 with the goal to develop a set of reference foresight scenarios to support policymakers. Foresight scenarios are a tool to improve strategy development and decision making in a context of turbulence, uncertainty, novelty, and ambiguity. Recent events, such as the COVID pandemic or the Russian invasion of Ukraine, made clear that being prepared for the unknown and unexpected becomes increasingly important. The reference scenarios presented in this report aim to help decision makers to increase the preparedness of their organisations under increasingly unpredictable circumstances. The scenarios are four plausible versions of how the world may look like in 2040 and what this would mean for Europe’s global standing. They are called Storms, End game, Struggling synergies, and Opposing views. They do not claim to predict or project how the future may look like but offer strategic reflections, which can serve as a compass for policymakers for navigating through unchartered territories of turbulence, uncertainty, ambiguity and novelty. These four geopolitical scenarios are called ‘Reference’ Foresight Scenarios because they represent a forward-looking framework that provides a reference for use in policymakers’ debates about potential futures.The study was conducted between 2020-2023 by European Commission Joint Research Centre (JRC). Read the report Read the blog and learn more about the process and how these scenarios can be used in future oriented policy making. Stress-testing policy options with the scenarios The work with the reference foresight scenarios continued as a pilot process of stress-testing some policy options against a set of Reference foresight scenarios. The process was led by the European Commission’s Joint Research Centre (JRC) and applied to a specific EU policy proposal on Standard Essential Patents. The process ran during the initial stage of the impact assessment process, but it was not an official part of it. The results of this pilot helped to understand which policy options are more or less robust and how they can be made more future-proof. The process also provided rich insights into what the challenges and opportunities of this approach are, and into how stress-testing can be further incorporated into EU policymaking. The report provides an example and serve as a guide for any future process of stress-testing policy options against foresight scenarios. Read the report: Stress-testing of policy options using foresight scenarios: a pilot case 9903 0 i-Portunus Houses – Kick-Start a Local Mobility Host Network for Artists & Cultural Professionals in AllCreative Europe Countries The i-Portunus Houses project, implemented on behalf of the European Commission by a consortium of three partners – the European Cultural Foundation (coordinator), MitOst, and Kultura Nova Foundation – was dedicated to testing and analysing diverse transnational mobility schemes for the cultural sector. Apart from granting support for local hosts from all Creative Europe countries for the mobility of artists and cultural professionals, the project also included research on mobility in culture and the design of policy recommendations. In the research, the mobility of artists and cultural professionals is understood as the temporary, cross-border travel of artists and cultural professionals with the purpose of creating, connecting, exploring and learning. The research was carried out by experts from different disciplines with Dea Vidović being the research leader. As a result of the aforementioned research, in 2022 Kultura Nova Foundation published a 4-volume publication. Each volume represents one of the research sections: (1) conceptual framework of mobility in culture; (2) the study on mobility in culture from the perspectives of artists, cultural professionals, hosts and funders; (3) an evaluation of i-Portunus Houses mobility grant scheme and (4) scenario for the future of mobility in culture. The research covers a wide range of topics related to mobility in culture, such as its participatory and networking dimension, its digital dimension and virtual mobility, as well as its green dimension. The culmination of the research, alongside extensive recommendations and action points for sustainable mobility, is Scenario for the Future which introduces a new concept of "slow mobility". 25124 2 Futures of Science for Policy in Europe The project explores futures of science for policy; practices and processes by which information is exchanged between knowledge actors and policymakers with the intention to produce scientifically-informed policy in Europe. We are making a deep dive into developments which are currently underway and will take us to different possible 2030s, according to events largely unpredictable and decisions bound by a number of constraints of diverse nature. The project is one of eight foresight deep dives of the project 'European R&I foresight and public engagement for Horizon Europe' carried out by the Foresight on Demand consortium. 25862 1 1 1 ... 1 ... 1 RELATED DISCUSSION POSTS More Discussion Posts 1 2 3 4 5 1 ... 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 ... 38 Start a new Discussion Join our community! We are all citizens. Register here now and get involved in this community and maybe even share your theme related project. Sign Up

  • futures-of-big-tech

    COLLECTIONS > PROJECTS > Futures of Big Tech > Futures of Big Tech Large R&D-based companies (Big Tech) have risen as major institutions driving technology, defining networks, shaping markets and influencing the ways we live. These companies are heavily concen-trated in some parts of the world, most of them within the West Coast of the United States, with a few emerging challengers in Mainland China, Taiwan and elsewhere. Other continents, including Europe, participate marginally in the development of the knowledge-bases which, apparently, may well come to dominate the future. Societies have come to rely on Big Tech from how we do business to how we consume and connect with others. And decision-makers, regulators and stakeholders grapple with breakthrough innovations, enhanced connectivity, lopsided competition and a number of ethical and political implications for how societies govern themselves. Organised societies face difficult choices. Should Big Tech be let free to carry on unimpeded? Should government break them up or try to tame them by imposing detailed standards of conduct? Should national and supra-national authorities aim at giving rise to new and alternative undertakings able to develop at far-reaching scale and scope? Or should policy actors give priority to an economic fabric full of smaller-sized enterprises that are alive and adaptive at the local level? As with many times in the past, the configuration of the present seems stiff and self-reinforcing. But a foresight perspective invites an awareness of the possibility of disruptions or genuine novelty in things to come. It is uncertain if current trends will be sustained over time or how they will be accommodated. Probing into the unknown can be inspiring and increase panoramic awareness. It also sets a base for being pro-active about destiny. Thus, studying the future(s) is a deliberation to be already being on the move. That is a productive, non-neutral and liberating attitude. A chance for aligning the possible with the desirable. This policy brief addresses the challenge of anticipating of what “Big Tech” will imply for the future of Europe. In our deep dive we project towards 2040 and explore the implications to Europe emphasising research and innovation policy. The scenario work , that comprises the bulk of this report, frames debates about industrial change and international political economy with the overarching vector of high-tech activities and offers a balancing, hopefully also piercing, view. We derive policy options for each scenario but also draw cross-cut-ting implications. Could tech-driven large companies be instruments for the European Union (EU) to respond effectively to the challenges of the future economy? Is this a viable, feasible option? Conversely, have foreign-owned Big Tech already won and will the EU be hostage to the tentacles of such sprawling giants? Can it adapt through bottom-up economic action? For all this, it was about time to tackle these pressing issues. The project is one of eight foresight deep dives of the project 'European R&I foresight and public engagement for Horizon Europe ' carried out by the Foresight on Demand consortium. 20339 0 0 EXTERNAL LINKS Ich bin ein Textabschnitt. Klicke hier, um OUTPUTS Futures of Big Tech in Europe. Scenarios and Policy Implications.pdf ​ Blog Albert Norström DOWNLOAD Memoiren Big Tech Scenarios EU R&I policy Deep Dive MEET THE EXPERTS Sandro Mendonça View on LinkedIn RELATED BLOGS More Blogs 0 0 0 Futures of Big Tech Big Tech is rewiring the world. These very large private companies are leaders in research and development (R&D) and now wield unprecedented and unparalleled influence in the economy and beyhond. In this redefined world, Europe faces a number of agenda-setting questions. This policy brief aims to anticipate the implications of ‘Big Tech’ for Europe’s future by 2040. Sandro Mendonça 0 0 0 Horizon Futures Watch Workshop 6: The Futures of Big Tech in Europe The sixth Horizon Futures Watch Dissemination Workshop explored futures of Big Tech in Europe. Contemporary societies increasingly rely on Big Tech for different functions, such as work, communication, consumption, and self-expression. Laura Galante 0 0 0 With Big Tech comes Big (Ethical) Responsibility In a world pervaded by the rapid entrance and development of new technologies, the pace at which ethical concerns are addressed is not always in sync. TechEthos, a Horizon 2020 project, wants to facili-tate “ethics-by-design” in order to push forward ethical and societal values into the design and develop-ment of new and emerging technologies at the very beginning of the process. Laura Galante 0 0 0 Connecting… Futures: The Road to 6G and the Right to Connectivity Hexa-X’s 6G flagship research is shaping the design of European wireless technologies to be environmentally, socially, and economically sustainable, while ensuring competitiveness in the global market. Giovanna Guiffrè & Valentina Malcotti 1 2 1 ... 1 2 ... 2 Be part of the foresight community! Share your insights! Let the Futures4Europe community know what you are working on and share insights from your foresight research or your foresight project. Sign Up RELATED PROJECTS More Projects Vision ECO2050: The Future of the Economy by 2050, following the example of Luxembourg Luxembourg Strategy, the Directorate for Strategic Economic Foresight was part of the Luxembourg Ministry of the Economy from 2021 to 2023. Luxembourg Strategy's core accomplishment is ‘ECO2050’ – a strategic economic vision for Luxembourg by 2050, published in Sept. 2023 and funded by the Ministry of the Economy. To ensure its relevance, the vision is adaptable to varying economic growth and population projections and to other similar countries than Luxembourg. It prioritises a balance between technological, natural and social solutions, while fostering private sector participation alongside public investment. This vision anticipates three possible future scenarios – Socio-economic Sleepwalking, Bio-regional Circularity and Techno-digital Optimism – alongside a potential disruptive wildcard, the ‘Red Queen’ scenario. At the core, it argues in favour of a human-centered, nature-positive economy, with business-led clean technologies and climate adapted infrastructures and carbon services. The Foresight Vision ECO2050 is structured in 10 building blocks:1. Strategic autonomy since boosting domestic production reduces dependence on imports and decouples the economy from shocks on international markets 2. Circularity and sufficiency since saving energy and raw materials makes it easier to keep with environmental and financial constraints 3. Focusing on people, knowledge and wellbeing since societal and organisational innovation creates new businesses, attracts talent and preserves a high quality of life 4. Reconciling the digital, ecological and social transitions since building a competitive economy that manages the environmental and social footprint of new technologies facilitates social and ecological progress 5. Critical redundancy and strategic storage capacity since duplicating solutions and building up reserves of essential goods and services ensures greater resilience and adaptability for the economy 6. Administrative simplification since improving the environment for entrepreneurs, investors and researchers by streamlining procedures boosts the economy by making it more agile 7. Economic diversification since adapting key sectors to new challenges in the name of the general interest strengthens the preservation of common goods and the capacity of the existing economic system to turn transitions into business opportunities 8. Sustainable economic diplomacy since forging close diplomatic and commercial ties with partners who share the same ecological and social values creates synergies of strengths and assets, while cementing the global governance of resources 9. Sustainable and solid public finances since guarding against budget imbalances will help financing transitions and efforts towards greater sustainability 10. Anticipation and speed since planning for the long term, constantly adapting to increasingly rapid change and keeping an eye on developments gives a comparative economic advantage by defusing threats and reinforcing opportunities. The governance of the ECO2050 foresight process was as diverse and rich as was possible with the means at the disposal of Luxembourg Strategy and concerned 1300 persons, encompassing public administrations, national thematic observatories, research, business, federations, municipalities, citizens, youth organisations, foresight experts... Luxembourg Stratégie greatly benefited from international support from the EU Commission Vice-President for Foresight Maroš Šefčovič's team and the SG Foresight Unit, the OECD SG Foresight Unit, as well as from France Stratégie and Futuribles. Please read the full report and the condensed brochure ECO2050 here: 7349 2 Suppressing indoor pathogen transmission: A Technology Foresight study Airborne transmission is considered one of the most common ways of transmitting respiratory viruses. The reach of airborne pathogens and persistence of aerosolized particles suspended in the air are a significant concern for the spread of pandemic and seasonal respiratory diseases. This is particularly relevant in indoor spaces where most respiratory infections occur. Controlling the transmission of airborne pathogens is therefore a cornerstone of public health efforts to manage and prevent the spread of infectious diseases, ensuring safety and health for individuals and communities. Technologies that allow such control are essential to address the challenge. This report is the output of a comprehensive study which evaluates the potential of the current technology landscape for suppressing indoor airborne pathogen transmission. The analysis outlines two main technology groups: those for detecting airborne pathogens and those for decontaminating air and surfaces. It identifies several key technologies in each group, and assesses their maturity, impact, and potential priority for funding. It outlines the drivers, enablers, and barriers for the development and adoption of these technologies, providing insights into factors that may influence their future implementation. It also explores forward-looking perspectives with scenarios for future health crises and offers recommendations for policy and research to address the challenges and leverage the opportunities in the field of indoor air quality. The study was conducted during 2024 by European Commission Joint Research Centre (JRC) and Health Emergency Preparedness and Response Authority (HERA). Read the report 5955 0 Unleashing the Potential for Competitiveness: Trends in the Western Balkans Commissioned by the RCC, the DLR-PT study "Unleashing the Potential for Competitiveness: Trends in the Western Balkans". It presents trends that are likely to shape the region's competitiveness until 2035. It examines the potential impact on inclusive growth and provides examples that could be useful for the economies of the Western Balkans (WB). Based on desk research, expert interviews and an online trends workshop, the DLR-PT's Foresight team prepared the study in March and April 2023. It provides stakeholders with evidence-based insights to prepare for future developments and help formulate effective policy options and strategies. The study focuses on four key areas defined by the World Economic Forum's Global Competitiveness Report 2020: the enabling environment, human capital, markets and the innovation ecosystem. Through desk research, qualitative interviews and expert workshops, it identifies trends that provide a comprehensive view of the likely evolution of competitiveness over the next 12 years, enabling policymakers to anticipate future challenges. The study provides a methodological overview of Strategic Foresight and delves into the trends within the identified pillars, providing a summary of findings and recommendations for future action. By highlighting the trajectory of competitiveness and its implications, the study provides policymakers with valuable insights to effectively navigate the evolving landscape and foster sustainable growth in the Western Balkans. 2694 0 Strategic Foresight in the Western Balkans: Recovery on the Horizon The report outlines three scenarios of possible futures for Research and Innovation (R&I) policies in the Western Balkans in 2035. Using a Strategic Foresight approach, the report supports policy makers in creating an enabling environment for R&I policies to thrive and in deciding on priorities for strategic investments for the future. The scenarios in the report are based on an extensive co-creation process with more than 700 R&I experts from the Western Balkans, representing academia, civil society, the private sector, international organisations, and central and sub-national governments. To provide inspiration for the implementation of future-proof R&I policies, the report also includes initial roadmaps. These are designed to inspire decision-makers by setting targets and the actions needed to develop their R&I systems for the benefit of all citizens in the Western Balkans. The project was launched in July 2020 and the final study was presented at the EU-WB Ministerial Meeting in October 2021. 5284 0 1 2 3 4 5 1 ... 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 ... 11 RELATED DISCUSSION POSTS More Discussion Posts 1 2 3 4 5 1 ... 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 ... 38 Start a new Discussion Join our community! We are all citizens. 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  • Collections | Futures4Europe

    COLLECTIONS / Collections PROJECTS More Projects Browse our project database and find out more about foresight projects in and outside Europe. Connect with community members working on similar issues as yourself and learn about latest outputs from projects in the foresight community.our project database and find out more about foresight projects in and outside Europe. Connect with community members working on similar issues as yourself and learn about latest outputs from projects in the foresight community. 4696 0 Future risks Project Decision makers are faced with a world characterised by increasing turbulence, uncertainty, novelty, and ambiguity. These conditions make it more difficult to assess risks when making strategic decisions or planning for the long-term. This project from the European Commission Joint Research Centre (JRC) EU Policy Lab starting 2023 presents a foresight approach to increase preparedness for unexpected developments and the risks they could create. Foresight methods offer a way to consider and focus on risks that may be beyond the scope of traditional quantitative and qualitative risk assessment approaches. Several snapshots of the future depict different worlds that have undergone substantial changes as a consequence of emerging developments. An analysis of the risks inherent in the possible futures identified ten risk clusters that are relevant for decision makers, and mapped future developments that might lead to them.The same development pathways that could lead to risks can also create opportunities, and the study provides some examples. Decision makers face the challenge of mitigating the adverse effects of risks, while reaping the benefits of potential opportunities. This study also presents the results of a Delphi survey that evaluated the scope and severity of risks. Three of the 40 risks identified in this study were assessed to be potentially existential for humanity: 1) environmental degradation, 2) environmental disasters, and 3) loss of power by humans. The project started in 2023 and will run until 2024. Next in the development is an engagement tool for policymakers to push the boundaries of foresight on risks in their specific policy making domain. Stay tuned for its launch, later in autumn 2024! Download the Risks on the horizon report Read the blog post from the authors UN Summit of the Future: Risks on the horizon JRC hosted a panel discussion at the UN Summit of the Future on September 21st 2024 on how foresight can complement classical risk assessment methods. The United Nations will publish its first Global Risk Report in Autumn 2024. This follows the UNDRR UN Global Assessment Report on Disaster Risk Reduction in 2023. The Joint Research Centre of the European Commission published in June 2024 its report "Risks on the Horizon". In addition, the World Economic Forum published its Global Risk Report in January 2024. The panel gathers together experts behind these reports and speakers highlight how existing foresight methods can help to identify future risks, many of which are inter-generational, by using methods which do not rely on a risk already being known. PanellistsAyaka Suzuki, Director, Strategic Planning and Monitoring Unit, Executive Office of the Secretary-General, United Nations (UN)Lori Moore Merrell, U.S Fire Administrator, Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA)Thomas Hemmelgarn, Head of Unit, EU Policy Lab, Joint Research Centre, European Commission (EC)Bryonie Guthrie, Foresight and Organizational Transformation, Strategic Intelligence, World Economic Forum (WEF)Timo Harakka, Member of Parliament, Vice Chairperson of the Committee for the Future, FinlandModeratorsTommi Asikainen, Joint Research Centre, European CommissionAnne-Katrin Bock, Joint Research Centre, European Commission Watch the recording of the event UN Web TV Read the insights from the blog 7349 2 Vision ECO2050: The Future of the Economy by 2050, following the example of Luxembourg Luxembourg Strategy, the Directorate for Strategic Economic Foresight was part of the Luxembourg Ministry of the Economy from 2021 to 2023. Luxembourg Strategy's core accomplishment is ‘ECO2050’ – a strategic economic vision for Luxembourg by 2050, published in Sept. 2023 and funded by the Ministry of the Economy. To ensure its relevance, the vision is adaptable to varying economic growth and population projections and to other similar countries than Luxembourg. It prioritises a balance between technological, natural and social solutions, while fostering private sector participation alongside public investment. This vision anticipates three possible future scenarios – Socio-economic Sleepwalking, Bio-regional Circularity and Techno-digital Optimism – alongside a potential disruptive wildcard, the ‘Red Queen’ scenario. At the core, it argues in favour of a human-centered, nature-positive economy, with business-led clean technologies and climate adapted infrastructures and carbon services. The Foresight Vision ECO2050 is structured in 10 building blocks:1. Strategic autonomy since boosting domestic production reduces dependence on imports and decouples the economy from shocks on international markets 2. Circularity and sufficiency since saving energy and raw materials makes it easier to keep with environmental and financial constraints 3. Focusing on people, knowledge and wellbeing since societal and organisational innovation creates new businesses, attracts talent and preserves a high quality of life 4. Reconciling the digital, ecological and social transitions since building a competitive economy that manages the environmental and social footprint of new technologies facilitates social and ecological progress 5. Critical redundancy and strategic storage capacity since duplicating solutions and building up reserves of essential goods and services ensures greater resilience and adaptability for the economy 6. Administrative simplification since improving the environment for entrepreneurs, investors and researchers by streamlining procedures boosts the economy by making it more agile 7. Economic diversification since adapting key sectors to new challenges in the name of the general interest strengthens the preservation of common goods and the capacity of the existing economic system to turn transitions into business opportunities 8. Sustainable economic diplomacy since forging close diplomatic and commercial ties with partners who share the same ecological and social values creates synergies of strengths and assets, while cementing the global governance of resources 9. Sustainable and solid public finances since guarding against budget imbalances will help financing transitions and efforts towards greater sustainability 10. Anticipation and speed since planning for the long term, constantly adapting to increasingly rapid change and keeping an eye on developments gives a comparative economic advantage by defusing threats and reinforcing opportunities. The governance of the ECO2050 foresight process was as diverse and rich as was possible with the means at the disposal of Luxembourg Strategy and concerned 1300 persons, encompassing public administrations, national thematic observatories, research, business, federations, municipalities, citizens, youth organisations, foresight experts... Luxembourg Stratégie greatly benefited from international support from the EU Commission Vice-President for Foresight Maroš Šefčovič's team and the SG Foresight Unit, the OECD SG Foresight Unit, as well as from France Stratégie and Futuribles. Please read the full report and the condensed brochure ECO2050 here: 5955 0 Suppressing indoor pathogen transmission: A Technology Foresight study Airborne transmission is considered one of the most common ways of transmitting respiratory viruses. The reach of airborne pathogens and persistence of aerosolized particles suspended in the air are a significant concern for the spread of pandemic and seasonal respiratory diseases. This is particularly relevant in indoor spaces where most respiratory infections occur. Controlling the transmission of airborne pathogens is therefore a cornerstone of public health efforts to manage and prevent the spread of infectious diseases, ensuring safety and health for individuals and communities. Technologies that allow such control are essential to address the challenge. This report is the output of a comprehensive study which evaluates the potential of the current technology landscape for suppressing indoor airborne pathogen transmission. The analysis outlines two main technology groups: those for detecting airborne pathogens and those for decontaminating air and surfaces. It identifies several key technologies in each group, and assesses their maturity, impact, and potential priority for funding. It outlines the drivers, enablers, and barriers for the development and adoption of these technologies, providing insights into factors that may influence their future implementation. It also explores forward-looking perspectives with scenarios for future health crises and offers recommendations for policy and research to address the challenges and leverage the opportunities in the field of indoor air quality. The study was conducted during 2024 by European Commission Joint Research Centre (JRC) and Health Emergency Preparedness and Response Authority (HERA). Read the report 6467 0 FUTURINNOV The FUTURINNOV project run by European Commission Joint Research Centre (JRC) supports the European Innovation Council (EIC) in building strategic intelligence capacity through foresight and other anticipatory approaches. This is done through activities to identify funding priorities, inform programme design, contribute to policy feedback, and develop institutional governance. The main objectives are to:• Provide short and medium-term future-oriented evidence-based advice on signals and trends of emerging technologies, breakthrough innovation, and investment patterns;• Support the development of long-term EIC strategic intelligence, grounded in anticipatory, collective, and hybrid methods, towards knowledge transfer and capacity building; and• Explore innovative anticipatory thinking and future-oriented methodologies to support EIC in its mission as a funding body and a knowledge- provider for policy design and implementation. The project started in the beginning of the 2024 and will run until February 2025. Outputs of the FUTURINNOV project will include three literature reviews identifying and analysing signals of emerging technologies and breakthrough innovations as well as findings from horizon scanning workshops. Eyes on the Future: Volume 1 Eyes on the Future - Signals from recent reports on emerging technologies and breakthrough innovations to support European Innovation Council strategic intelligence - Volume 1 The report provides a literature review of publications authored by numerous external organisations. It summarises 34 signals and trends of emerging technologies and breakthrough innovations across the 11 primary categories of a taxonomy defined by the European Innovation Council (EIC). The authors investigate not only what is deemed most novel in multiple application domains but what is worth the attention of European Union (EU) policy audiences involved with priority-setting and decision-making.The literature review(1) reviews and evaluates 186 reports and articles on emerging technologies,(2) captures 489 signals, of which 86 have been short-listed and 34 selected for this report,(3) creates an internal database of signals which is used to digest and analyse the evolution of signals and novel technologies(4) connects signals with EIC portfolios and other European Commission (EC) initiatives such as policies surrounding critical technologies and Strategic Technologies for Europe Platform (STEP) investments that, together with the primary and secondary levels of the EIC taxonomy, provide multiple types of analysis and insights(5) draws conclusions that aim to support the EIC’s funding prioritisation and additionally, provide reflections on EIC portfolio setting. Read the reportRead some insights from the authors on the blog (Dis)Entangling the Future - Horizon scanning for emerging technologies and breakthrough innovations in the field of quantum technologies This report documents the process and findings of a horizon scanning exercise, part of a series under the FUTURINNOV. The workshop, held on 24 April 2024, had as its primary goal the evaluation and prioritisation of trends and signals on emerging technologies and breakthrough innovation, across all technology readiness levels (TRLs) and within the EIC's Quantum technologies portfolio. Signals for the workshop were gathered from experts, literature review, and text/data mining of patents, publications, and EU-funded projects. These signals were then scrutinised for their significance to the field's future by a diverse group of sector experts which led to the identification of nine key topics:quantum sensingquantum algorithms for lattice-based computational fluid dynamics modelsmaterials for quantumArtificial Intelligence for quantumerror correctionsolid-state scalabilityquantum for Artificial Intelligencequantum as a service – metacloudquantum computersFurthermore, the workshop identified additional wild cards with high novel-ty and disruptive potential such as quantum sensing AI on edge and molecular spin qubits. Participants also highlighted various factors that could influence the development, adoption, and promotion of these emerging technologies, which can be grouped under the following categories: technical advancements; investment and infrastructure support; cross-sector collaboration; regulatory navigation; talent acquisition; market maturity; and application utility. Read the report 1 2 3 4 5 1 ... 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 ... 19 FUTURES LITERACY More about Futures Literacy New to foresight or want to deepen your knowledge on methods? Interested in the latest research and videos from the Futures4Europe community? Find out more in our futures literacy database! As a partner of the Eye of Europe Project, Helenos will implement its first pilot on Fashion Futuring, investigating potential links among objects, fiction, culture, and systems to understand how the values of the systems/societies can shape the future of fashion. 1552 0 0 First Pilot on Fashion Futuring in the works! Eliza Savvopoulou 2091 0 0 Eye of Europe Mutual Learning Event: Policy Oriented Communication of Foresight Results Iva Vancurova Between 16th - 19th of July, Eye of Europe consortium partners AIT and Fraunhofer ISI attended the 2024 conference by the European Association for the Study of Science and Technology (EASST) and the Society for Social Studies of Science (4S). 1997 0 1 Foresight at EASST-4S 2024 Conference in Amsterdam Renata Mandzhieva The conference took place from 5-7 June 2024, and aimed to explore what conceptions of “better worlds” are being pursued by STI policies. 488 0 0 Embedding Foresight in Next-Generation Transformative Innovation Policies Dana Wasserbacher 1 2 3 4 5 1 ... 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 ... 23 STORIES More Stories Share your perspective on the future and find out what others think about when looking ahead. Participate in the ongoing dialogue on what Europe and the world may look like in the future. We collect, share and distribute your visions in our stories database. 1584 0 2 A better place for the world. Anonymous In the future i see Sustainable practises becoming more commonplace, redefining our interaction with the environment. Renewable energy, eco-friendly transportation, green areas, sustainable agriculture, and trash reduction are all projected in the future. I see the world being better and cleaner. That future would be nice as the roads would be clean and have no trash. 1177 0 1 Transformation Era Anonymous life in 2040 I am hoping for better changes and improvement in our government because our government is slowly ruining our country with corruption in the departments, there must be improvements, especially in health living, public clinics are providing poor service also the health workers behavior is the worst they need to treat patient well with respect and stop undermining the poor because they also need to be treated with care. Social justice must be well-implemented, be improved more especially on crime, the crime rate is very high in South Africa and we no longer feel safe walking around whether in daylight or at night, something should be done about the youth that turn into criminals instead of studying or doing something legit to make a living. car hijacking, money heists, fraud, corruption, and gadget robbery are the most dominating crimes that need a permanent change. I would describe the future as a life of improvement especially in education (fees and safe space that has no discrimination, racism, and equality). In governance, I am looking at a future that has improved facilities and leadership skills. better working environments, and job creation that will minimize crime, there shouldn't be a thing of hiring people because they are friends, relatives, or some sort of connection. everyone should be given a chance to work and use their qualifications without age restriction. 767 0 1 An integral Europe that revitalises its spiritual roots (Ein integrales Europa, das seine spirituellen Wurzeln wiederbelebt) Anonymous Following a longer dialogue in the sense of a dialogical aesthetic in the Antrhopociene (the working title of my artistic research) with ChatGPT, the following vision emerged: In 2040, Europe has undergone a profound transformation and has become a model of regeneration, spirituality, peace and an integral world vision integrating European and non-European indigenous wisdoms. This vision shows how civil society processes and the public interest economy are involved in this transformation process: 1. Participatory communities: European cities and regions have developed a culture of active participation and participation. Citizens shape local decisions and projects, leading to vibrant and committed communities. 2. Public service enterprises: Europe has experienced a blooming period of companies in the public interest. In addition to profit-making, these companies actively promote social and environmental responsibility and promote fair working conditions. 3. Education for sustainability: The education system in Europe emphasises the importance of sustainability, ethics and social engagement. Schools and universities encourage students to work for environmental protection, peace and the common good. 4. Ecological neighbourhoods: European cities have become ecological neighbourhoods where sustainable construction and renewable energy are promoted. People live in green communities and share resources. 5. Cultural diversity and integration: Europe has experienced a cultural renaissance characterised by the integration of diverse cultural influences. Artists and creators from different backgrounds enrich the cultural landscape. 6. Intergenerational dialogue: Society promotes intergenerational dialogue and respects the knowledge and experience of older people. Communities are characterised by a sense of attachment between the young and the old. 7. Health and prevention: Europe has focused on preventive medicine and holistic healthcare. People pay attention to their physical and mental health and use natural curative methods. 8. Global cooperation: Europe is actively working with countries and regions around the world to address global challenges. Together, they are committed to peace, environmental protection and social justice. 9. Regenerative agriculture: European agriculture has embraced regenerative practices that restore soils and promote biodiversity. Farmers use organic farming methods. 10. Indigenous wisdoms and common good: Europe has integrated indigenous wisdoms from different cultures and uses them as a source of inspiration for community projects, environmental protection and social justice. These wisdoms emphasise the importance of the balance in nature and the common good. Civil society processes and the public interest economy have played a crucial role in shaping and promoting this holistic vision for Europe in 2040. They have shaped a society based on values such as cooperation, sustainability, social justice and respect for nature. Europe lives in line with the spiritual dimensions of life and honours the diversity of indigenous wisdoms that contribute to regeneration, peace and harmony. 966 0 1 We are all human truth (Somos todos humanos de verdade) Anonymous Equity and social justice: universal wage means legislation that makes it part of a wealth of wealth directed towards hunger eradication programmes and healthy living environments for populations in need of infrastructure. Economies with free competition and lower capital concentration. 1 2 3 4 5 1 ... 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 ... 192

  • unleashing-the-potential-for-competitiveness-trends-in-the-western-balkans

    COLLECTIONS > PROJECTS > Unleashing the Potential for Competitiveness: Trends in the Western Balkans > Unleashing the Potential for Competitiveness: Trends in the Western Balkans Commissioned by the RCC, the DLR-PT study "Unleashing the Potential for Competitiveness: Trends in the Western Balkans". It presents trends that are likely to shape the region's competitiveness until 2035. It examines the potential impact on inclusive growth and provides examples that could be useful for the economies of the Western Balkans (WB). Based on desk research, expert interviews and an online trends workshop, the DLR-PT's Foresight team prepared the study in March and April 2023. It provides stakeholders with evidence-based insights to prepare for future developments and help formulate effective policy options and strategies. The study focuses on four key areas defined by the World Economic Forum's Global Competitiveness Report 2020: the enabling environment, human capital, markets and the innovation ecosystem. Through desk research, qualitative interviews and expert workshops, it identifies trends that provide a comprehensive view of the likely evolution of competitiveness over the next 12 years, enabling policymakers to anticipate future challenges. The study provides a methodological overview of Strategic Foresight and delves into the trends within the identified pillars, providing a summary of findings and recommendations for future action. By highlighting the trajectory of competitiveness and its implications, the study provides policymakers with valuable insights to effectively navigate the evolving landscape and foster sustainable growth in the Western Balkans. 2694 0 0 EXTERNAL LINKS Ich bin ein Textabschnitt. Klicke hier, um OUTPUTS Ich bin ein Textabschnitt. Klicke hier, um deinen eigenen Text hinzuzufügen und mich zu bearbeiten. Is Hydrogen that good for the Climate? Blog Albert Norström Button Memoiren Title Type Firstname Lastname Mar 30, 2022 Button Memoiren Ich bin ein Textabschnitt. Klicke hier, um deinen eigenen Text hinzuzufügen und mich zu bearbeiten. Is Hydrogen that good for the Climate? Blog Albert Norström Button Memoiren Innovation Social innovation EU R&I policy Responsible research and Innovation MEET THE EXPERTS Simon Winter View on LinkedIn simone.weske View on LinkedIn RELATED BLOGS More Blogs 0 0 0 Join the Nordic Foresight Network Initiative This is a call for professionals working in foresight in the Nordic countries to join the discussion and to contribute and influence the development and formation of the Nordic Foresight Network. Maija Knutti 0 0 0 Futures of Big Tech Big Tech is rewiring the world. These very large private companies are leaders in research and development (R&D) and now wield unprecedented and unparalleled influence in the economy and beyhond. In this redefined world, Europe faces a number of agenda-setting questions. This policy brief aims to anticipate the implications of ‘Big Tech’ for Europe’s future by 2040. Sandro Mendonça 0 0 0 From Sewing Machines to Fashion NFTs: Time Traveling through IPR in Creative Industries CREATIVE IPR traces the history of intellectual property rights in Europe to investigate how past battles and future challenges in IPR management for creative industries impact creators, businesses and consumers Giovanna Guiffrè & Valentina Malcotti 0 0 0 Copyright Harmony to Unite in Diversity ReCreating Europe re-thinks copyright codes and the management of creativity in the digital era by looking at the interplay between copyright, access to culture, and fair representation of creators and users. Giovanna Guiffrè & Valentina Malcotti 1 2 1 ... 1 2 ... 2 Be part of the foresight community! Share your insights! Let the Futures4Europe community know what you are working on and share insights from your foresight research or your foresight project. Sign Up RELATED PROJECTS More Projects FUTURINNOV The FUTURINNOV project run by European Commission Joint Research Centre (JRC) supports the European Innovation Council (EIC) in building strategic intelligence capacity through foresight and other anticipatory approaches. This is done through activities to identify funding priorities, inform programme design, contribute to policy feedback, and develop institutional governance. The main objectives are to:• Provide short and medium-term future-oriented evidence-based advice on signals and trends of emerging technologies, breakthrough innovation, and investment patterns;• Support the development of long-term EIC strategic intelligence, grounded in anticipatory, collective, and hybrid methods, towards knowledge transfer and capacity building; and• Explore innovative anticipatory thinking and future-oriented methodologies to support EIC in its mission as a funding body and a knowledge- provider for policy design and implementation. The project started in the beginning of the 2024 and will run until February 2025. Outputs of the FUTURINNOV project will include three literature reviews identifying and analysing signals of emerging technologies and breakthrough innovations as well as findings from horizon scanning workshops. Eyes on the Future: Volume 1 Eyes on the Future - Signals from recent reports on emerging technologies and breakthrough innovations to support European Innovation Council strategic intelligence - Volume 1 The report provides a literature review of publications authored by numerous external organisations. It summarises 34 signals and trends of emerging technologies and breakthrough innovations across the 11 primary categories of a taxonomy defined by the European Innovation Council (EIC). The authors investigate not only what is deemed most novel in multiple application domains but what is worth the attention of European Union (EU) policy audiences involved with priority-setting and decision-making.The literature review(1) reviews and evaluates 186 reports and articles on emerging technologies,(2) captures 489 signals, of which 86 have been short-listed and 34 selected for this report,(3) creates an internal database of signals which is used to digest and analyse the evolution of signals and novel technologies(4) connects signals with EIC portfolios and other European Commission (EC) initiatives such as policies surrounding critical technologies and Strategic Technologies for Europe Platform (STEP) investments that, together with the primary and secondary levels of the EIC taxonomy, provide multiple types of analysis and insights(5) draws conclusions that aim to support the EIC’s funding prioritisation and additionally, provide reflections on EIC portfolio setting. Read the reportRead some insights from the authors on the blog (Dis)Entangling the Future - Horizon scanning for emerging technologies and breakthrough innovations in the field of quantum technologies This report documents the process and findings of a horizon scanning exercise, part of a series under the FUTURINNOV. The workshop, held on 24 April 2024, had as its primary goal the evaluation and prioritisation of trends and signals on emerging technologies and breakthrough innovation, across all technology readiness levels (TRLs) and within the EIC's Quantum technologies portfolio. Signals for the workshop were gathered from experts, literature review, and text/data mining of patents, publications, and EU-funded projects. These signals were then scrutinised for their significance to the field's future by a diverse group of sector experts which led to the identification of nine key topics:quantum sensingquantum algorithms for lattice-based computational fluid dynamics modelsmaterials for quantumArtificial Intelligence for quantumerror correctionsolid-state scalabilityquantum for Artificial Intelligencequantum as a service – metacloudquantum computersFurthermore, the workshop identified additional wild cards with high novel-ty and disruptive potential such as quantum sensing AI on edge and molecular spin qubits. Participants also highlighted various factors that could influence the development, adoption, and promotion of these emerging technologies, which can be grouped under the following categories: technical advancements; investment and infrastructure support; cross-sector collaboration; regulatory navigation; talent acquisition; market maturity; and application utility. Read the report 6467 0 Unleashing the Potential for Competitiveness: Trends in the Western Balkans Commissioned by the RCC, the DLR-PT study "Unleashing the Potential for Competitiveness: Trends in the Western Balkans". It presents trends that are likely to shape the region's competitiveness until 2035. It examines the potential impact on inclusive growth and provides examples that could be useful for the economies of the Western Balkans (WB). Based on desk research, expert interviews and an online trends workshop, the DLR-PT's Foresight team prepared the study in March and April 2023. It provides stakeholders with evidence-based insights to prepare for future developments and help formulate effective policy options and strategies. The study focuses on four key areas defined by the World Economic Forum's Global Competitiveness Report 2020: the enabling environment, human capital, markets and the innovation ecosystem. Through desk research, qualitative interviews and expert workshops, it identifies trends that provide a comprehensive view of the likely evolution of competitiveness over the next 12 years, enabling policymakers to anticipate future challenges. The study provides a methodological overview of Strategic Foresight and delves into the trends within the identified pillars, providing a summary of findings and recommendations for future action. By highlighting the trajectory of competitiveness and its implications, the study provides policymakers with valuable insights to effectively navigate the evolving landscape and foster sustainable growth in the Western Balkans. 2694 0 The Responsible Research and Innovation Living Lab and The Prospects of Institutionalizing the Values of Openness and Mutual Responsiveness in Science and Democracy: The establishment of responsible innovation requires four key institutional changes. First, innovation must be value-driven. Second, an ethics of co-responsibility among stakeholders must be implemented. Third, innovation should be made directional and manageable. Fourth, market failures need to be addressed to facilitate necessary transformative changes, especially with regard to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). This research project will take into account the evolution of Living Labs and various specialized Living Labs (e.g., urban labs, social labs, and responsible Living Labs) to assess to what extent they address these institutional requirements. On this basis, the concept of a new dedicated Living Lab: a Responsible Research and Innovation Lab for Engineering Practices will be introduced. Subsequently this dedicated Living Lab will be operationalised on a theme from the engineering sciences. We will consider innovations stemming from digital tech for Health issues, additive manufacturing or other engineering pratices. We will deploy participatory foresight, to enable a form of anticipatory governance of emerging new innovations.This dedicated ling lab is contextualised in a broader context of a deliberative democracy: Living Labs can be seen as spaces for Organisational Learning and Collective Experimentation:Living Labs: ‘real-life test and experimentation environments that foster co-creation and open innovation among the main actors of the Quadruple Helix Model, namely: Citizens, Governmental Organisations, Industrial organisations and Academia’ (ENoLL 2024)It operationalises an important feature of Responsible Research and Innovation: Making stakeholders co-responsible and mutually responsive to each other by engaging them in an open co-creation/ co-enquiry process. (among other on the basis of participatory foresight of emerging technologies and innovations)The idea of 'openess' and 'mutual reponsiveness' as values of actors and institutions will also be subject of analysis.Science and innovation can be better fostered in an open, democratic society than in other types of societies. The norm of civic participation in a ‘democracy’ is a lived ideal for citizens, just as the norm of ‘communalism’ is a lived ideal for the scientific community. Both norms presuppose the values of ‘openness’ and 'mutual responsiveness' among scientist and citizens.This highlights ‘openness’ not as a prescriptive norm but as a value of the institution of science. Simultaneously, ‘openness’ is also an institutional value of a democracy. However, science and democracy are dependent on the extent to which scientist and citizens engage on the basis of these norms. How can we best encourage and incentivise those? Project duration: 1-1-2023 till 1-4-2027 Project partners: RWTH Aachen University with team members Prof. dr. Stefan Boschen, Julia Backhaus and Dr. Dr.phil Rene von Schomberg 29993 0 1 1 ... 1 ... 1 RELATED DISCUSSION POSTS More Discussion Posts 1 2 3 4 5 1 ... 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 ... 38 Start a new Discussion Join our community! We are all citizens. Register here now and get involved in this community and maybe even share your theme related project. Sign Up

  • futures-of-using-nature-in-rural-and-marine-europe-in-2050-policy-implications

    THEMES / PROJECTS / BLOGS / Futures of using nature in rural and marine Europe in 2050: Policy implications / Futures of using nature in rural and marine Europe in 2050: Policy implications Totti Könnölä Aug 14, 2023 The immense social and technological evolution of the Anthropocene continues transforming the Earth’s surface and its dynamics through extensive (mis-)use of its resources, both on the land and in the sea. These challenges were addressed in the Deep Dive on rural and marine areas in Europe in 2050. We present here policy implications drafted based on the four scenarios developed. In Scenario A, European Civic Ecovillages pursue self-sufficiency and contribute to establishing a cooperative, locally oriented, caring economy restoring the ecosystem carrying capacities in land and sea. In Scenario B on Sustainable High-tech Europe, European businesses enjoy global leadership in regenerative and multi-functional high-tech solutions for energy, aquaculture and agriculture. In Scenario C on the United States of Europe, centrally planned Europe is divided between intensive use of land and sea and large conservation areas. Scenario D on European Permacrisis portrays Europe in a post-growth and politically scattered context that leads to low rates of innovation and fragmented use of land and sea. Please find the full blog post on the scenarios here . Each scenario depicts a different future in rural and marine Europe. None of the scenarios features a decisive solution to the global climate and biodiversity crises. Scenario A forcefully targets the resolution of the biodiversity crisis in Europe, by aligning human practices with nature, but provides little support to global climate and biodiversity crises. Scenario B proactively tackles the biodiversity crisis both in Europe and internationally but struggles with the fragmentation of efforts and with scaling up good practices and wider impact to curb the crisis. Scenarios C and D with intensive use of nature reduce biodiversity. Thanks to European-wide coordination Scenario C can protect vast areas with positive impacts to biodiversity, whereas Scenario D struggles with the major fragmentation of conservation efforts and its detrimental impact on biodiversity. Such challenges illustrate the importance of balanced approaches in developing both local and global solutions to climate and biodiversity crises. The subsequent further cross-cutting analysis pinpoints some threats and opportunities for rural and marine areas in Europe. This may provide a basis for further reflection on the possible role of R&I policy in Europe in the future and serve as inspiration when designing future R&I programmes in Europe. Economy and technology • In three of the scenarios big business plays a key role in determining what is scaled up but, in parallel, local communities try out solutions. Apart from the rest, in scenario A (European civic ecovillage) both the innovation and deployment are in local communities. R&I programmes searching for scale could well benefit from both dynamics. • All scenarios face the challenge of balancing sustainability and food affordability and security in different modalities of agriculture and aquaculture. The advances may well come from integrated approaches that also consider major shifts in diets and production. • Solving negative externalities of large-scale monoculture continues to be a relevant research stream, for instance via precision farming (see scenario C). Still, research and development is also needed on alternative farming practices that allow closing the loops and controlling the production, for instance, vertical farming, aquaponics and (semi)-closed recirculating water systems for aquaculture highlighted in scenarios A and B. • Multifunctional use of land and sea can provide win-win solutions, e.g. aquaponics, agrivoltaics, agroforestry, marine permaculture and floating PV panels, and thus strike a balance between different needs. This often represents major changes in practices; thus, the local (prosumer) communities need to be part of the process for their insights and buy-in (especially prevalent in scenarios A and B). Demographics, lifestyles and values • All the scenarios depict the future of rural and marine areas related to socio-ecological crises. Further research could aim to strengthen civic resilience. Could measures to increase crisis preparedness among individual and local communities be developed? • Research on the future of rural and marine areas and demographic changes could be useful given the above-mentioned uncertainties. For instance, water scarcity or other climate-related crises may induce major migrations also in Europe. • Fragmentation in rural and marine communities and planning can become a major concern. Even if good practices exist, fragmentation hampers their scaling up, while coordination may breed thriving active local communities. R&I programmes could provide opportunities for further mapping, showcasing and enhancing the mutual learning between good practices of local community-based organisations. • The livelihood of rural communities is to a greater or lesser degree entangled with urben spaces and how their inhabitants value rural communities. R&I can be involved in pursuing better connections between urban and rural, such as online farmers’ markets, remote working and the future evolution of rural infrastructure. Governance • The diffusion of innovations is crucial for sustainable rural and marine areas. In this respect, and where the framework conditions favour planning and encourage investment, it should be easier to scale up. R&I policy should aim to improve framework conditions, including the predictability of government R&I programmes. • Integrated spatial planning of urban and rural areas is a key issue. Space, whether land or sea, could be envisaged as an integrated territory defined by orography and natural geography, e.g. drainage basins, regional watersheds and coastal seabed (see the figure below), rather than socio-political boundaries. R&I policy instruments could be demarcated with such an integrated approach in mind; joint cross-national research institutes and infrastructure could be established. • The use of spaces could benefit from extending user rights. For instance, land ownership models in some rural areas could be replaced or complemented with public ownership and user rights, learning from the practices within the marine sector, with the state granting user rights in certain areas or through the designation of protected areas, excluding or revoking user rights previously in force. Experimentation, e.g. in regulatory sandboxes, could also rely on public sector innovation processes. Before experimentation in regulatory sandboxes can take place, there is a need for R&I efforts to detail how the user rights could be extended in different conditions and what would be the impacts to different stakeholders. • The scenarios related to diverse democratic practices. Policy labs on citizen participation in decisions on rural and marine areas could serve to connect citizens with these areas. Direct involvement of local communities in R&I programmes could be a means to avoid NIMBY effects and ensure their support. Environment • There are major risks in a patchy land and sea use that segments ecosystems and breaks up ecological corridors, diminishing the biodiversity and the resilience of nature. R&I programmes on integrated spatial planning of land and sea, also including for in-land waters, can pave the way towards more resilient, more circular water use and integrated management for addressing tensions between alternative uses of land and sea and in parallel ensuring sufficient size of protected areas. • The effects of monoculture and economic specialisation reducing societal and ecological resilience could be mitigated by concentrating them on limited high-intensity production areas and by scaling up regenerative alternative practices. Both these directions could be promoted via R&I instruments to experiment and learn about ecological and socio-economic implications. • Technology could play an important role in monitoring nature to understand it and the impacts of human actions. Multidisciplinary research on resilience in rural and marine areas could help increase preparedness, including integrated planning supported with biodiversity monitoring combining in-situ sensors and remote space technologies and advances in data analytics (AI) and construction of digital twins of integrated spaces for developing reliable future projections. Also, advances in guidance and toolkits could serve to improve the reliability of citizen science. • Regenerative ecosystem-based approaches and practices could strengthen synergies between nature restoration and production activities. R&I programmes could experiment scaling up such practices, and with how nature restoration and rewilding could be further connected to climate mitigation and climate adaptation. Final remarks This brief is the result of one of eight Deep Dive Foresight Studies in the project ‘European R&I Foresight and Public Engagement for Horizon Europe ’ conducted by the Foresight on Demand consortium for the European Commission. During the spring of 2023, an expert team identified factors of change and organised two scenario and one policy implications workshops also engaging experts from academia, business and public administration around Europe. The process was also supported by discussions in the Horizon Europe Foresight Network. The complete policy brief and further information about the project are available here . 20698 0 0 Oceans Coastal areas Land use EXTERNAL LINKS Url Comments Cancel Publish Login 1 2 3 4 5 1 ... 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 ... 100 FUTURES LITERACY More about Futures Literacy New to foresight or want to deepen your knowledge on methods? Interested in the latest research and videos from the Futures4Europe community? Find out more in our futures literacy database! Eliza Savvopoulou As a partner of the Eye of Europe Project, Helenos will implement its first pilot on Fashion Futuring, investigating potential links among objects, fiction, culture, and systems to understand how the values of the systems/societies can shape the future of fashion. First Pilot on Fashion Futuring in the works! 1552 0 0 Iva Vancurova Eye of Europe Mutual Learning Event: Policy Oriented Communication of Foresight Results 2091 0 0 Renata Mandzhieva Between 16th - 19th of July, Eye of Europe consortium partners AIT and Fraunhofer ISI attended the 2024 conference by the European Association for the Study of Science and Technology (EASST) and the Society for Social Studies of Science (4S). Foresight at EASST-4S 2024 Conference in Amsterdam 1997 0 1 Dana Wasserbacher The conference took place from 5-7 June 2024, and aimed to explore what conceptions of “better worlds” are being pursued by STI policies. Embedding Foresight in Next-Generation Transformative Innovation Policies 488 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 1 ... 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 ... 26 Be part of the foresight community! Share your insights! Let the Futures4Europe community know what you are working on and share insights from your foresight research or your foresight project. Submit your Blogpost

  • how-scenarios-could-support-the-orientation-of-ri-agendas

    THEMES / PROJECTS / BLOGS / How scenarios could support the orientation of R&I agendas / How scenarios could support the orientation of R&I agendas Ulli Lorenz Jun 27, 2022 Making use of the four “Imaginaries for a Sustainable Europe[1] in 2050”presented by the European Environment Agency and the Eionet[2] Making use of the four “Imaginaries for a Sustainable Europe [1] in 2050”presented by the European Environment Agency and the Eionet [2] Sustainability The European Green Deal is the flagship initiative of the European Commission to turn Europe into a climate-neutral continent and foster the transition towards a modern and resource-efficient economy. Four areas with ambitious goals have been defined in the strategy: becoming climate-neutral; protecting human life, as well as flora and fauna by cutting pollution; helping companies become world leaders in developing clean products and technologies, and helping to ensure a just and inclusive transition. Nobody could really question these broad goals. Nonetheless, it is likely that most people have different associations and inner images when thinking about e.g. climate neutrality, and it is important to seek to clarify what is behind such broad concepts. Such debates and orientations about sustainability are not new at all. The beginning of the exploration, of what sustainability is, or better said should be , goes back to the late 1980s: from the Brundtland Commission in 1987 and later in 1992 with the Rio conference, sustainability rests on three pillars: a social, environmental and an economic pillar. This very first conceptualisation was, on the one hand, a breakthrough in the global political arena but was later mainly criticised for the missing mutual interactions and the integration of the three pillars. The critique is not entirely fair. The pillars have always been coupled, but often one was given a stronger focus. It was even used to promote the economic paradigm of growth to be in the position to finance social systems and environmental protection. Without going into details at that stage, this decoupled debate was mainly possible by the missing internalisation of external (environmental) costs. Nonetheless, it was the first time that on a global political agenda, it was acknowledged that the immense production and consumption creating waste and pollution and social imbalances globally could not be a model for the future. One of the most recent conceptualisations by the United Nations uses seventeen sustainability goals (SDG), including economic development, resource efficiency and environmental goals, amongst others. Since adopting these goals, many initiatives have been put in place across the world. However, the goals, especially on a more concrete level, can be conflicting and are partially contradicting each other. For example, SDG 9 promotes industrial production, which might conflict with decreased resource use (SDG 12) and pollution (SDG 15). Depending on how such developments are shaped, also equity and justice are not guaranteed as still, profitability dominates the economic discourse. Such issues are commonly resolved by the argument that priorities are different in different regions of the world and that the concept, therefore, needs to be adapted to regional specificities. Furthermore, even when goals are reached, that does not automatically imply that different countries have taken the same measures and pathways towards the same goal. All in all, even with more details on what is meant by “sustainability”, still further clarification can help. The concept can be seen as a plain field to freely manoeuvre: sustainability is the vision, and the planetary boundaries define the corridor in which it can be reached based on different values, cultural heritage and available resources. The Green Deal is an attempt to further shape sustainability for Europe. But it goes without saying that the goals and ideas are still broad and can be realised completely differently in different regions of Europe. There are twenty-four official languages in Europe and twenty-seven member countries with different cultures and values. Some countries have coastlines, others have no access to the sea at all. Also, population density varies significantly across the different countries. Some countries have a focus on industrial production, others on agricultural production or on IT services. Sustainable solutions must differ across the different European regions. Here the scenarios/imaginaries co-created by the European Environment Agency (EEA) and its country network Eionet kick in as a useful tool to further explore what concrete alternative options for shaping sustainability are. Scenario-management Whenever it comes to “thinking in different options”, it is a good starting point to think in scenarios. The term “scenario” originates from the theatre world and literally means the description of the set-up of the stage for a specific scene. The relation to the theatre is useful: the same scene in the same play might look completely different, depending on the art director, the tradition of the theatre, the city and the expected audience. In all cases, one can describe the stage and all items needed for the play. The same applies to the scenarios: the play is “sustainability”, and the items are the different areas that strongly impact it and are highly uncertain. In the terminology of scenario management, these items are the key factors or dimensions. The specific variant of the “item” is called projection. Certainly, there are different techniques for systematically thinking about the future and setting up scenarios. One of these approaches is called “Scenario Management” or “Scenario-Technique” where in the core, a set of relevant key factors is identified, and for each key factor, different (3-5) projections are constructed. These key factors form, together with the projections, a morphological box. A consistent combination of one projection per key factor forms the skeleton for one scenario. This kind of scenario management technique has been applied in the project “Scenarios for a sustainable Europe in 2050” by the EEA and the Eionet. Based on the normative concept of sustainability – as framed in the Green Deal – a set of influencing factors was first collected in a participatory process along with the STEEP categories (Social, Technological, Environmental, Economical and Political). Factors like “values, lifestyles, attitudes towards sustainability”, “Production and consumption of energy”, “Role of technology”, or “Pattern of European cooperation” have been selected, next to others. These key factors define the skeleton of the narrative of how sustainability can be shaped in Europe. The four imaginaries of the European Environment Agency and the Eionet The four imaginaries are called: “Technocracy for the common good”, “Ecotopia”, “The great decoupling”, and “Unity in adversity. The detailed descriptions of the imaginaries can be found on the webpage of the EEA: All scenarios carry elements that are visible already today. In addition, these scenarios are normative in the sense that only sustainable solutions are covered in the key factors and projections. The bandwidth of different developments in the scenarios is not that wide or extreme. It is striking that these imaginaries also represent different current discourses in Europe, which makes this kind of assessment especially rich. The imaginary “Technocracy for the common good” advocates technological innovation as the key solution to a sustainable development in Europe. In contrast, “Ecotopia” promotes a “back to nature and communitarian” solution. The imaginary “The great decoupling” focuses on a neo-liberal path toward solving all challenges economically, while the imaginary “Unity in adversity” suggests a strong top-down EU policy as the central key to sustainability. Apparently, tensions and possibly conflicting objectives between the different solutions and certain protagonists lead the public debate. The imaginaries do not resolve the conflicting goals but allow to make these different discourses visible and accessible for an informed political debate. How could R&I make use of such kinds of scenarios or imaginaries? Should all discourses be supported or followed by in the research programmes? Who are the prominent actors in the field having an interest in one or the other solution? Which role does the subsidiary principle play? How much freedom and independence are needed for shaping sustainability effectively in the different regions of Europe? How must this be reflected in the Research Programmes? Imagine us starting to cross-link the discourses to some domains in R&I. For example, how would R&I be shaped within the different discourses? ​ Agriculture Education/ Research Health Energy Technocratic Digitally supported high tech. Filter technologies Artificial intelligence and digitalisation in schools/universities Digital health assistant systems Smart grids, smart metering, high tech, AI Nature-based Ecological agriculture. Animal wealth More alternative forms of education Alternative health approaches Renewable energy, energy saving Economic growth Globalised markets define agricultural production Private schools, performance-oriented Privatisation, profit-oriented, market-driven, research by companies Market-based mechanisms Top-down-policy Strong planning Definition of curricula by government Research by state organisations, agenda defined by the government Planning and research, and funding by the state This table is not a completed research project but illustrates in simple a way how a different discourse might shape the orientation of the research agenda. In such a sense, the imaginaries of the EEA and the Eionet are useful tools to support the political exchange and reconsider R&I policy. We can assume that there are different solutions to a sustainable Europe. Which is (where?) the most effective? How fast do we need to transform? What are the most urgent topics and issues to resolve? Is transformation always the solution to the problems? Shall we be prepared for the less attractive transformations? And how? Scenarios like those from the EEA and the Eionet do not deliver all the answers. But they help to concretise abstract concepts like “Sustainability”. And such scenarios help to facilitate a debate about what we as a society want. Interestingly, current discourses are all well reflected in such scenarios, and while the tone of the protagonists of the discourses might be harsh on social media, with the help of such scenarios, the options and viewpoints can stand next to each other, and the discussions get a different characteristic. How would YOU like to shape sustainability for and in Europe? And what are the most important research topics? Let's exchange on the future of Europe. ------------- [1] Europe stands for the 27 countries being in the European Union. [2] The European Environment Information and Observation Network (Eionet) is a partnership network of the European Environment Agency and its 38 member and cooperating countries. 24956 0 4 EU R&I policy Scenarios Sustainability EXTERNAL LINKS Url Comments Cancel Publish Login 1 2 3 4 5 1 ... 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 ... 100 FUTURES LITERACY More about Futures Literacy New to foresight or want to deepen your knowledge on methods? Interested in the latest research and videos from the Futures4Europe community? Find out more in our futures literacy database! Eliza Savvopoulou As a partner of the Eye of Europe Project, Helenos will implement its first pilot on Fashion Futuring, investigating potential links among objects, fiction, culture, and systems to understand how the values of the systems/societies can shape the future of fashion. First Pilot on Fashion Futuring in the works! 1552 0 0 Iva Vancurova Eye of Europe Mutual Learning Event: Policy Oriented Communication of Foresight Results 2091 0 0 Renata Mandzhieva Between 16th - 19th of July, Eye of Europe consortium partners AIT and Fraunhofer ISI attended the 2024 conference by the European Association for the Study of Science and Technology (EASST) and the Society for Social Studies of Science (4S). Foresight at EASST-4S 2024 Conference in Amsterdam 1997 0 1 Dana Wasserbacher The conference took place from 5-7 June 2024, and aimed to explore what conceptions of “better worlds” are being pursued by STI policies. Embedding Foresight in Next-Generation Transformative Innovation Policies 488 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 1 ... 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 ... 26 Be part of the foresight community! Share your insights! Let the Futures4Europe community know what you are working on and share insights from your foresight research or your foresight project. Submit your Blogpost

  • hydrogen-economy-in-europe-2040

    THEMES / PROJECTS / BLOGS / Hydrogen Economy in "Europe 2040" / Hydrogen Economy in "Europe 2040" Ulli Lorenz Aug 25, 2022 Hydrogen is „just“ an elementary molecule consisting of two hydrogen-atoms. Why is there so much fuss about this simple molecule that even a whole economy should or could be built upon it? The reaction of hydrogen (H2) with oxygen releases a lot of energy while forming pure water. In the other direction, water can be divided into hydrogen (H2) and oxygen with the help of electricity (there are of cause also other hydrogen building reactions mostly built on fossil fuels/biomass); this is simple chemistry. Compared to fossil fuels, water is nearly unlimited on the planet. Hydrogen is a lightweight gas, and depending on pressure, surface or chemical binding, it can be transported, serves as a fuel and can be used for mobility, heating, chemical reactions or the generation of electricity (storage). We would have an abundant fuel based on the (theoretical) abundance of water and electricity produced by renewable energy facilities. There is no peak oil and no GHG-Emissions – only pure water and energy. This can be a game changer – assuming we get the technologies right. But let’s assume this will be the case. And how will the game be changed? This is precisely what we are going to explore in our Scenario-Exercise. The key question is: How could a world (Europe) look like with abundant energy in the form of hydrogen? What are the central factors shaping the future, given that we have abundant (green) hydrogen? We will have to look at global developments and the situation in the global south. For example, in Northern Africa, there is enormous potential for renewable energy – only that fresh water might be a problem. However, what if technology allows for electrolysers that can cope with seawater? And what happens to countries only with limited access to freshwater or seawater? Would that create new imbalances and potentially new lines of conflict? What about the interest of the nations in the global south? The term “ new colonisation ” has already been born. In addition, what happens to global power relations? What influence will the current conflict with Russia have in the future, and what are the new constellations after this war? Building renewable energy facilities requires a lot of – partly critical – raw materials . Will Europe be in the position to have access to all required raw materials? Will the oil-producing countries just wait and see? Will they transform and also become hydrogen or electricity producer? Maybe Arabian countries enter the road to synthetic fuels and can just use existing infrastructure. How will large multinational companies position themselves? A closer look into Europe might cover topics like, how self-sufficient/autonomous Europe can be. Will the population accept all the renewable energy facilities ? Do national and European legislation and administration allow such a fast transition ? Can such a transition be just for all? Which impact will the transition towards a circular economy have on energy demand and the structure of industrial production ? Which role can digitalisation play – concerning smart grids in connection with cybercrime , resilience and terms of preparedness? Most of these questions relate to so-called influencing factors that will help us to ask the right questions for the future. These factors help us define and explore scenarios of a Hydrogen Economy in Europe. We will systematise the process of the identification and selection of key factors and build projections into the future of each of these key factors. Consistent and plausible combinations of the projections will build the skeleton for our scenarios. These will be enriched, assessed and evaluated. The overarching guiding question for our assessments will be, in the end, what can and must Research and Innovation Policy do to support the transition best? We will regularly update news about the scenario process on this platform. The scenario workshops will take place online: 8. September, 13:00 – 16:00 CEST: Selection of the key factors 14. September 9:00 – 12:00 CEST: Building of the projections 26. September 13:00 – 16:00 CEST: Selection of the scenarios and first enrichment If you are interested in joining the workshop and contributing to the discussions with the expert group, please send a private message via LinkedIn: , and we will provide you with the dial-in details. Looking forward to the exploration of the future together with you. 15166 0 0 Scenarios Horizon Scanning Hydrogen EXTERNAL LINKS Url Comments Cancel Publish Login 1 2 3 4 5 1 ... 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 ... 100 FUTURES LITERACY More about Futures Literacy New to foresight or want to deepen your knowledge on methods? Interested in the latest research and videos from the Futures4Europe community? Find out more in our futures literacy database! Eliza Savvopoulou As a partner of the Eye of Europe Project, Helenos will implement its first pilot on Fashion Futuring, investigating potential links among objects, fiction, culture, and systems to understand how the values of the systems/societies can shape the future of fashion. First Pilot on Fashion Futuring in the works! 1552 0 0 Iva Vancurova Eye of Europe Mutual Learning Event: Policy Oriented Communication of Foresight Results 2091 0 0 Renata Mandzhieva Between 16th - 19th of July, Eye of Europe consortium partners AIT and Fraunhofer ISI attended the 2024 conference by the European Association for the Study of Science and Technology (EASST) and the Society for Social Studies of Science (4S). Foresight at EASST-4S 2024 Conference in Amsterdam 1997 0 1 Dana Wasserbacher The conference took place from 5-7 June 2024, and aimed to explore what conceptions of “better worlds” are being pursued by STI policies. Embedding Foresight in Next-Generation Transformative Innovation Policies 488 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 1 ... 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 ... 26 Be part of the foresight community! Share your insights! Let the Futures4Europe community know what you are working on and share insights from your foresight research or your foresight project. Submit your Blogpost

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