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A real trans-European transport network (Un vrai réseau transeuropéen de transport)


April 26, 2023

A real trans-European transport network (Un vrai réseau transeuropéen de transport)

This image was generated with Dream Studio AI.

In 2040, the temperature of our planet continues to rise. Thanks to the environmental policies of the European Union, our transport system has evolved and many developments have taken place, including the development of electric and low-energy vehicles.
In a society where the individual needs to travel, to travel, to work or simply to see family members, the trans-European transport network needs to evolve.
Thanks to the introduction of the Interrail pass, many young people can break down the European Union to a lesser extent. This must extend to the whole population. Today, air transport is cheaper than rail and much more polluting in the European Union, but it is possible to travel by train between countries. Many people do not make this choice because the train offers longer journeys with exorbitant fares. My proposal focuses on this issue. In 2040, the trans-European transport network will offer many high-speed lines linking the largest cities in Europe. These high-speed lines on the TGV modele in France will offer a European low cost package (such as that for regional trains in Germany with the national pass at EUR 9). In order to develop mobility geared to public transport such as rail, the 2040 European trains will offer real services (comfortable chair, couchette, workspace, rest space, quiet space, buvette).




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Crafting the new generation of humanity


I think one of the most important topics in today's society is education. Schools should be a place where kids not only acquire information but also learn how to learn. Also, each person is different and has different strengths and weakness. Students should feel seen and heard by teachers and feel free to try new things and create their future. Not only different learning methods (interactive methods, use of technology) are required but also enhance team work. Kids should not be distant and competitive to each other but learn from a young age that they should respect other humans and work efficiently together. Empathy, accepting vulnerability, respect to other human beings no matter their colour, body image should be taught in school from a very early stage.




Living in harmony with nature


I would definitely like to see more people taking action for the environment. I will likely not be around when Earth will start deteriorating but my grandchildren will. We need more powerful legislation and more people following it.




The New World - A sisterhood


In 2040, I envision a world where gender equality has become an unquestionable reality and women's increased participation in leadership positions has fundamentally reshaped society. This includes: 1) Equal Representation in Leadership: By 2040, gender parity in leadership roles is the norm, not the exception. Hopefully, women will hold an equitable share of positions in politics, business, academia, and other sectors. I hope that Boards of directors, government cabinets, and executive teams will reflect the diversity of the population, with a balance of women and men at the decision-making table. 2) Legislation and Policies: In this future, I hope that comprehensive legislation and policies have been put in place to ensure gender equality. Laws against gender discrimination and pay gaps to be strictly enforced, fostering an environment where women have the same opportunities for career advancement as men. Parental leave policies to become more equitable, encouraging men to take an active role in caregiving. 3) Education and Empowerment: I wish that educational institutions will better prioritize gender-sensitive curricula, promoting equality from an early age. Girls and young women to be encouraged to pursue any field of study or career they desire without fear of gender bias. I also envision mentorship programs abound, helping women break through glass ceilings and reach their full potential. 4) Media and Representation: The significant evolution of media and advertising. The dismantling of gender stereotypes, and women's portrayal in multifaceted, empowering roles in all forms of media. The representation of women in STEM fields, politics, and leadership roles in movies and TV shows in a way that inspires young girls to aim higher. 5) Work-Life Balance: The prioritization of a healthy work-life balance. Companies to offer flexible work arrangements, remote options, and on-site childcare facilities, enabling women to excel in their careers while maintaining fulfilling personal lives and not be judged for their decisions. 6) Intersectionality: The fight for gender equality to become more intersectional, addressing the unique challenges faced by women of colour, LGBTQ+ individuals, and those with disabilities. In this future, I wish for inclusivity and diversity to be celebrated 7) Global Solidarity: Nations collaborate on a global scale to promote gender equality. International organizations and governments work together to eradicate gender-based violence, provide access to education for all girls, and ensure women's rights are upheld everywhere. 8) Stereotype-Free Future: Traditional gender roles and stereotypes have faded into history. Boys and girls are encouraged to explore their interests and talents without limitations based on preconceived notions of what is "appropriate" for their gender. 9) Economic Prosperity: Gender equality isn't just a matter of justice; it's also an economic boon. In this future, countries that have prioritized women's participation in the workforce are reaping the benefits of a larger talent pool and increased innovation, leading to overall economic prosperity. 10) Empathy and Inclusivity: Society is marked by a greater sense of empathy, inclusivity, and collaboration. This future embraces the understanding that gender equality benefits everyone, leading to a more harmonious and prosperous world for all.




Health and wellbeing


Ideally, people will be healthier and life will be very comfortable. In a dream scenario, cures and preventative measures for most diseases will have been invented and be available to everyone in the world through universal healthcare. Moreover, advances in technology will make all human activities eco-friendly and enhance people's abilities to complete tasks easily and conveniently. Education will focus on promoting wellbeing and collaboration.
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