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April 26, 2023


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A future in which we do not look at the far-reaching future, what it is, will be and what is awaiting us (as we are working now), but where we are all living together in that reality or present, and possibly 2040 is the year when the present is really about something, not an idealised future. If we just think, why do we struck the future? But perhaps the reason is that our created reality is the present of Muka, so that the uncertain, unknown and dark future of the world seems to be more tempted? And again, instead of influencing the present rhythm moving forward to the future, and making constant adjustments, we are preparing for the problems that may come to the plan, but at the same time we are eroding our bit. So we are just in 2040. We do not look back on the past, on the future, but on things now, and not 1000 years on.




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The EU we want for our children.


I would really like to live in a European Union more integrated, with less inequality between member states and having real progress about the next issues: -Green economy. -Maintenance and improvement of welfare state. -Strengthening of Democracy and EU values facing autocracies regimes. -Being independent producers in key raw materials, such it can be gas right now. In conclusion, having a more resilient and stronger EU in economic, social, political and environmental fields.




Natural trait/natural trout (الترواة الطبيعية/natural trout)


Excessive exploitation of natural resources and direct arrest of all things affecting natural resources The non-exploitation of the natural tranquilizer is excessive, and the arrest of all the things that tires on the natural tranquilizer is directly shaped.




The European Union as a precursor to a model of life to follow (La Unión Europea como precursora de un modelo de vida a seguir)


In the last few cases, the European construction has been instrumental in giving certainty to the fundamental rights of its citizens, for example through the Charter of Fundamental Rights or the Treaties. However, it is not enough to preserve it alone, but we must move towards an improvement in this respect. Despite the fact that development and strategies to control inflaci, are essential in the EU, we want to start focusing on human rights situations in the Member States. As a result of the lack of tolerance in certain Member States such as Poland, the Union’s lack of power to act reflects its fundamental shortcomings. As a result, the future I want is the existence of a sufficient political will to reform the Treaties and to make further progress on the protection of human rights, since only you are able to do so. we will be a model for the international community, and the EU’s influence will expand. Let’s take citizens first for you thrive dynamically.




A strong and inclusive EU (Una UE fuerte e integradora )


A future with a strong and influential European Uni in the future multipolar society. An EU that has regained Schuman’s inspiration has been committed to integration. It has managed to put an end to the unanimity that so many problems in pushing for ambitious action. Integration is the future of our pets and of this organisation, which has helped our development and well-being so much. M ‘s integraci’ signifies better coordination. A strong and ambitious EU where citizens are proud to be EUROPEAN
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