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Cyprus European country (Η Κύπρος Ευρωπαϊκή χώρα)


September 8, 2023

Cyprus European country (Η Κύπρος Ευρωπαϊκή χώρα)

This image was generated with Dream Studio AI.

Until then we hope that the bureaucracy in Cyprus will be eliminated or even brought to the standards of the other European countries. In particular on innovation and research.




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I dream of a tech-less world


I would like to see that peole will eventually lose their interest in technology and not be over a screen all the time. I would also like the messages that peole recieve from the social media to change from something that makes a goot profit, to messages that can open our minds and make our world a better and safer place. I also believe that many of us have lost the meaning and quality of life in an indirect way through the social media. That makes me extremely sad. Of course, nowadays not having access to social media is highly inevidable, due to all the stereotypes and tasks we need to follow up. I am also very angry that we actually fool ourselves that we can be informed about various social and envirometal issues, because in reality even though some people might want to know what is going on in the world, social media stops them. So in conclusion, in 2040 I would like to particiate in elimitating all these disadvantages of social media and be able to focus on the real things that matter and I would also desire that people could finally understand what our life is all about. *I could really write so much more about how I feel, however I am still very young and I dont know much so I would also love to analyze things exactly like that to our schools and not ancient things. please.






It would be a life where technology is part of our everyday lives so everything is easier because of the benefits technology can offer us. Moreover society widely accepts all social backgrounds and differences and people are open-minded. Schools and education also participate in the technological world. People are united and love each other .We managed to save our planet for all the environmental problems and now we leave at the world where justice technology and communication are three values that corporate.




Fair climate for all


Everybody should have a nice and fun future. We are playing football outside on real grass, not the synthetic one that was projected 20 years ago. We must find solutions to combat climate change and have new technologies to have real grass when the climate is warmer. We should fly less and use less cars, autonomous bikes are a very cool alternative! We have to change our thinking, teach more about environment at the school. If we learn that at school we will know that all life.




Utopia (Ουτοπία)


Peace and justice will be available in the better future. Problems such as poverty, environmental destruction, racism and homophobia will have been addressed and everyone will live safely.
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