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Freedom for happy life


June 7, 2023

Freedom for happy life

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I will talk about freedom. I think freedom is one of the most important values in our lifes. Many people nowdays reduce their freedom for the sake of their parents , friends, partners and more. Also people they are not free because of the internet for example instagram , facebook. Furthermore, they are feeling that losing their freedom for no reason , beacuse they dont believe and trust themselves.
This is a real story , because I was feeling like losing my freedom too. And the problem was me. I was afraid to express my self in front of people or I was comparing my self with other threw social media.
The solution was simple. Believe in your self and do your best. That was crucial for me and changed my whole life.
So my opinion is , we need to have free classes in groups or personal , so people can express their feelings and strenght their mental health. As a result will be more free and more happy as well.




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Better character -> better world


Fewer poor people in the world; people to be open and listen to others before they speak; people to be teachable and don't take absolutist views.




Human future. (Ανθρώπινο μέλλον.)


A future where there is health and a pleasant natural environment where people care about each other.




Finally, humanity saw its future as a whole (Επιτέλους, η ανθρωπότητα είδε το μέλλον της ως σύνολο)


Overheating of the earth would have reversed and stabilised at + 1,5 C compared to pre-industrial times. RES would ensure the planet’s energy adequacy. The decline in biodiversity would have been halted. The oceans would have recovered from plastic pollution and marine life populations would have been restored. Nuclear weapons would all have been withdrawn and destroyed in a global binding agreement. New effective treatments would have been promoted for cancer and for immune diseases. The surpluses of nations and individuals would be channelled to tackling poverty globally.




Smiling in the future. (Χαμογελώντας στο μέλλον.)


I imagine a world of peace, without social inequalities and with many opportunities for the professional rehabilitation of children. A world full of love, with progress and vision. A green world with ecological consciousness, free from disease and environmental problems.
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