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Happy (Ευτυχισμένο)


September 8, 2023

Happy (Ευτυχισμένο)

This image was generated with Dream Studio AI.

Date of birth. Fewer working hours (e.g. up to noon) and more activities out of work (e.g. gymnastics, reading, working with children)




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Education in the basis of everything


I think we should improve a lot in education. There are a lot of important aspects in other fields, but education is an important thing for me. In the future educations should be equal, free and public for everyone. Kids from different backgrounds should have the same opportunities in terms of subjects, technology and languages. The educators would have to fight for non-bullying, equality and non-gender discrimination.






— Overwhelming — Greater differences between social classes — Increasing refugee and migration waves towards the EU — Rapid evolution of technology — Low birth rates in developed countries — Even lower standard of living in developed countries — Rapid development of medicine and technology in general — Transfer of economic resources to Asia




Parents and Their Children's Education


First of all, people who want to get married in the future should be checked on issues such as health, psychology, and financial conditions. Then, it should be checked whether these people will be able to take good care of the child they will bring into the world and raise him as a good and beneficial person in the future. I know this is hard to do, but when we look back now, parents are getting married without any control. Some have blood incompatibilities; some have hereditary diseases. This also affects the naturally born child. In addition, some of them never, ever care about giving birth to a child, do not teach him ethical rules, do not teach him what is right and what is wrong. As a result of all this, children, thieves, and bad-tempered people who harm people are raised. If these are controlled and done, better people will grow in the future. The evils in the world will lessen a little. I believe that everything ends with the parent raising the child.




Democratic and educated socialism


I truly believe that the only option for avoiding a dystopic and apocalyptic future is the adoption of socialism. Democratic socialism where the power is (this time for real) for the people, people who are educated and care about themselves and the others around. Definetely inequality should go down A LOT. With this, we would for sure have the ability to tackle the challenges the world faces today: climate change, gender, digital transformation, and others that are not spoken about because it would be too much for capitalism to take.
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