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Hope (Upanje)


April 26, 2023

Hope (Upanje)

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I would like to see a strong development and improvement of the situation of naˇ healthcare in the future, as it seems to me to be confusing at present. I also hope that people will have little sickness &scarron about nature and how this affects the climate. I am painful when I go on a walk and I am surrounded at almost every step. I also think that people are slightly dampened at the time, perhaps because of the constant breath of the pandemic, but I hope this will change in the coming years. But if I am completely sincere, I also have a slight fear of the future, and this is due to advances in technology. Marsi has already changed in this area, since na&i star ši young people and many of these advances have brought good and useful things. Marsi has ploughed up, but not everything is so pink. As a result of mobile phones and computers, people-to-people relationships have changed, no more face-to-face and social contacts at all. I am afraid that the situation around this will be with new advances &e Deb šala. But it is also possible that it will not happen. Like the famous professor, she says; hope dies last




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حب لأخيك ما تحب لنفسك


In the year 2040, the ideal world for people with special needs must be without preference, no discrimination, no bullying, if every one of them has no special need to need no partners or agents, just a new life together, no problems or concerns.




أريد مساعدا عائلي ليس لديهم مال للعيش


I'm a 18-year-old person who studied the Level Three Foundation, my first rotor rate, 13,95, 'cause my family had no money, I decided to go into formation.




The world of my dreams


In my personal opinion, future life of our World will be brighter than today's and I really hope the changes we young people see, could become true within a short amount of time, because everyone need to live in a better World. My biggest concern, firstly regards the climate change: in the "world of my dreams" people have learned how to live without polluting and have a better relationship with nature, with both plants and animals; Secondly the health topic: for me it's important that everyone of us have a free healthcare, physical and psychological in order to achieve the best version of ourselves. Last but not least, the government situation: I really am hopeful that in 2040 (or even before that date) government and citizens would reach a common point to start going on the same path: the one that leads to the best planet we've ever seen and had.




Conscious People Helps A Better Future


In 2040 I would like to see more conscious people. More conscious about environment, pollution and renewable energy resources. We can increase the nuber of conscious people by more effective teaching and better scientific methods. Thanks to more conscious people in 2040 renewable energy will be more common therefore environmental pollution due to fossil fuels will be less than ever. Consequently the air that we breath, the water that we drink and the food that we eat will be more clean. This will effect the Earth to become more liveable place for mankind. In general consciousness also effects how people behaves eachother. Because of that in my future the society will be in a better place. Due to more liveable world and a better society scientist will do their experiments and their studies in more productive ways. Therefore the thechnology will be affected positvely.
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