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Humanism Way Of Future


April 26, 2023

Humanism Way Of Future

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If one thinks it over, then the year 2000 is farther from us then 2040. The time flies extremely fast. Minute after minute, second after second. Being busy with our routine, we don't notice that we celebrate the New Year again.
Our personal future depends only on us, our choice, which we come across daily. But what is going to happen to society in 20 years? I consider, that in future there will be no place to armed conflicts. Diplomacy is the way to success. There are no such problems that can't be solved without pouring people's blood. Human life is too high price to pay for the interests of "authorities". People die every day.
The mankind is confronted with global problem of diseases. I hope no incurable diseases will exist in future. Treatment will be affordable to everyone. What else is going to exist in my ideal 2040? The answer is education. Now I don't speak about basic school knowledge. It would be good if everyone who shows abilities to certain profession, could acquire this profession. Even if a person doesn't have finances to enter the University. It would also be convenient if a pupil after finishing school, didn't have to be puzzled on the choice of his future job but could " try on" jobs he is interested in with the help of special programmes.
I even don't want to mention futuristic things like flying cars and colonization of Mars. In my opinion, these are not the things the success of mankind depends on. The most essential things are problem of resource exhaustability and pollution of the world ocean. After we put our native home - the Earth -in order, we can fly into space.




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