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Maybe tomorrow ...


April 26, 2023

Maybe tomorrow ...

This image was generated with Dream Studio AI.

In 2040 the world that we all used to know is just a fading memory. The class system collapsed and everyone's needs are fully met no matter what. Work isn't mandatory for survival anymore. People have a lot of free time now to do what they always wanted and spend time with their loved ones. We have fully shifted to sustainable energy and are working on repairing the damage that has been done previously, fast fashion doesn't exist anymore and we are focusing on sustainability overall. Political participation is mandatory and people can vote from the comforter of their own home everywhere, this was we ensure true democracy and people are overall happier because the people in power are being put there by the majority. All drugs are legalized, that doesn't mean that people take them more it just ensures that people don't get to jail for the possession of it, also prison focuses on the rehabilitation and not further punishment of the convicts everywhere. Third world countries also arent a thing anymore because we share all resources and don't accumulate wealth anymore. Also, we are all vegan, this helped with the co2 problem and yearly saves unimaginable amounts of clean water.




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The future in which we all have a good deal (Tulevaisuus, jossa meillä kaikilla on hyvä olla)


I would like everyone to have equal access to healthcare, education and employment. I would like to see peace. I would like people to understand the importance of nature and the environment.




Lavorare per vivere


In un futuro migliore immagino un rapporto lavoro-vita privata più equo e bilanciato, che rispetti l’individualità di ognuno e permetta la libera espressione di se stessi




Promena is in us (Promena je u nama)


One of the biggest problems of eager contamination.I want us to have vi & scaron by 2040;e green on every ćo ˇku. I would like to create large filters that would clean every city, but this is impossible, and at least not to stop &escaron;umes and find a wood town. To this end we need to shoot together vi&e, so my idea is to tell us education systems to learn us through group work.




Sharing and open mind


Many ways of sharing experiences. Less repressive justice and more commitment to education.
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