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Maybe tomorrow ...


April 26, 2023

Maybe tomorrow ...

This image was generated with Dream Studio AI.

In 2040 the world that we all used to know is just a fading memory. The class system collapsed and everyone's needs are fully met no matter what. Work isn't mandatory for survival anymore. People have a lot of free time now to do what they always wanted and spend time with their loved ones. We have fully shifted to sustainable energy and are working on repairing the damage that has been done previously, fast fashion doesn't exist anymore and we are focusing on sustainability overall. Political participation is mandatory and people can vote from the comforter of their own home everywhere, this was we ensure true democracy and people are overall happier because the people in power are being put there by the majority. All drugs are legalized, that doesn't mean that people take them more it just ensures that people don't get to jail for the possession of it, also prison focuses on the rehabilitation and not further punishment of the convicts everywhere. Third world countries also arent a thing anymore because we share all resources and don't accumulate wealth anymore. Also, we are all vegan, this helped with the co2 problem and yearly saves unimaginable amounts of clean water.




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Human centred with democracy and rationalism and nature protection


I would like to see the world as a more hospitable place for ALL people in 2040. An ideal future would be a world where everyone has the chance to live with similar values and peaceful visions (humanistic values and aims), a future where people would work with the help of AI (well-regulated though), with democracy and rationalism, a future where all attempts are focused on the expansion human race's prosperity and nature (environment) would be well respected and protected.




Living in harmony


I imagine a future where every human shows respect to nature and to others, no matter their race, gender, sexual orientation, skin color, age, financial background, educational background or any other aspect that makes them "different" than the norm. If people change their mindsets towards this, a lot of struggles and obstacles that we face will be improved and we will move towards the achievement of the SDGs.




Equity, fairness and respect


I dream of a future where prejudice of gender, race and social background are eliminated. People are judged exclusively on the basis of their personalities and skills and state/authorities and individuals are united as one in their actions and policies. I hope that mankind would have realised that we need to respect and safeguard the environment and are living a measured life respecting the planet.




Happy (Ευτυχισμένο)


Date of birth. Fewer working hours (e.g. up to noon) and more activities out of work (e.g. gymnastics, reading, working with children)
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