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Scientific research as a hub for the future's needs


April 26, 2023

Scientific research as a hub for the future's needs

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In my desired future, science would become the cornerstone of the EU budget. With a better scientific knowledge of the world around us, Europe would drive good reforms not only in the primary and the secondary sectors of our economies, but also in health and education. In the primary and secondary sectors, it would allow us to become more competitive by taking advantage of our already great potential for developing high-level technologies in comparison to other regions. This way, the EU would become more efficient in every economic activity (which also means less environmental impact) and, also, more strategically independent. In health, quality of life for our elders would be increased, hopefully to the point of partially preventing aging. By achieving this, people would remain socially and workwise functional for more years. Apart from the inherent personal and social direct advantages, this would avoid the long-term budget crisis that lots of European states can face as their populations get older. As for education, pedagogy and psychology, helped by new technologies, would guide the adequate reforms, adapted to each country, that prepared the youth to become highly skilled, global citizens. Having this kind of citizens would, in turn, boost the EU economy (through increased adaptive enterpreneurship) and also the quality of its political aspect: it would promote critical attitudes and a proactive citizenship.




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What we have in Commons


Ideally that future would focus primarily on community. As we move towards the future, our interests in fostering community are getting smaller and smaller. Even though it might seem trivial, it seems to me that many issues we face today can be handled through building strong community links at local levels and then expanding outwards. Individualistic societies have not provided us with the tools to look at huge global problems -- like climate change, the refugee/migrant crisis, job precarity and many more-- and be able to tackle them. Once we start looking inwardly and then to those closest to us can we then start taking care of each other. Building local, sustainable and adaptable practices will lead to better understanding of global issues and instead of inhibiting our futures, we can nurture ourselves, our culture, our future. It's 2040 and you can rely on both yourself and you community to work together by participating equitably in creating a commons that does not operate under utopic ideals but rather faces challenges realistically, operates on a basis of accountability and supports its community members.






I imagine that by 2040 everyone will feel free to be themselves without the fear of rejection or fear for their personal safety/security. Everyone will have a sense of belonging in the society and will not be excluded due to their ethnicity, sexual orientation or appearance.




Work-life balance at last


I imagine a future that is more relaxed in terms of work conditions and finding a balance with daily family necessities. Having more time with the family, going on trips, not needing to stress about financials.




The decade which Cancer is a simpe, treatable disease


Cancer is a leading cause of death worldwide. Many cancers can be cured but most of them are non curable. By 2040, AI technology with the supervision of humans will be able to detect and treat with 100% sucess, the cancer patient
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