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Social justice, environmental welfare, maximum development, international peace (Justice sociale, bien-être environnemental, démocratie maximale, paix internationale)

Daouia Chalali

June 7, 2023

Social justice, environmental welfare, maximum development, international peace (Justice sociale, bien-être environnemental, démocratie maximale, paix internationale)

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In 2040, political syst growth in the EU progressed towards more participatory forms of D & ampmocracy, which has made it possible to re-establish territorial anchorages that have é t &D; D é nou é s as a result of globalisation. This makes it possible, therefore, to develop the ph &Na of carri é risation and centralisation of the policy maker.
Towns and cities are no longer an opportunity to thrive; infinity and p é riph é ries/rural areas are becoming attractive and dynamic, not only as a result of participatory development, but also for the better living conditions they offer. Life has become unsustainable in towns and cities, and malgr &DITY from advanced timides in sustainable urban planning, these areas remain very difficult to cope with. Prognergy is produced more locally and R &Dmoves towards sustainable innovation models, inspired by circular and functional-oriented entrepreneurship. Young people thus find sense in the new third party rhetoric, and find entrepreneurship that corresponds to what is happening in the past.
Indicators for Prosperity public tense &D; am é liorer &DY increases in public investment in public structures. As a result, the propensity (in particular: mental) is accessible to everyone under the best possible conditions, with available sp & ampcialists. In addition, in order to support the development of development patterns, the legislations allow end-of-life support to be provided.
High rates of enterprise are tax &DITY and the right way forward, and a tax &DY ultra-wealth is cr &ue for relegation into public structures. Social and environmental justice are common values that are accepted and populist right-wing movements are diluting. measure that mixit &IES social D è s the youngest &Dshall be made compulsory. Finally, &D; the international community, young people, women, and the reporters of the South Global are at the heart of international political development and promote their values;




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Humanitas (Humanitas)


Sincerely, the idea of a better future or the hope that it improves seems to me to be utopia. Of course, we need to tell us that " andr à everything well " T to be able to close the eyes at night and dream. Dreams are important, perhaps perch é they play a leading role in the life that we would like to see. The bullet point what to do? it means being sold or finish and thus becoming complicit. Personally, I cannot close my eyes in the face of so much chaos and global crisis. Everywhere I look at the consequences of humanitarian crisis, environmental disaster, pollution, global warming, poverty. extreme... I find it hard to imagine a better future. What I can say è u that to have hope we need to reintroduce an ancient concept that tends to be taken for granted, and I è Humanitas.




Social justice, environmental welfare, maximum development, international peace (Justice sociale, bien-être environnemental, démocratie maximale, paix internationale)

Daouia Chalali

In 2040, political syst growth in the EU progressed towards more participatory forms of D & ampmocracy, which has made it possible to re-establish territorial anchorages that have é t &D; D é nou é s as a result of globalisation. This makes it possible, therefore, to develop the ph &Na of carri é risation and centralisation of the policy maker. Towns and cities are no longer an opportunity to thrive; infinity and p é riph é ries/rural areas are becoming attractive and dynamic, not only as a result of participatory development, but also for the better living conditions they offer. Life has become unsustainable in towns and cities, and malgr &DITY from advanced timides in sustainable urban planning, these areas remain very difficult to cope with. Prognergy is produced more locally and R &Dmoves towards sustainable innovation models, inspired by circular and functional-oriented entrepreneurship. Young people thus find sense in the new third party rhetoric, and find entrepreneurship that corresponds to what is happening in the past. Indicators for Prosperity public tense &D; am é liorer &DY increases in public investment in public structures. As a result, the propensity (in particular: mental) is accessible to everyone under the best possible conditions, with available sp & ampcialists. In addition, in order to support the development of development patterns, the legislations allow end-of-life support to be provided. High rates of enterprise are tax &DITY and the right way forward, and a tax &DY ultra-wealth is cr &ue for relegation into public structures. Social and environmental justice are common values that are accepted and populist right-wing movements are diluting. measure that mixit &IES social D è s the youngest &Dshall be made compulsory. Finally, &D; the international community, young people, women, and the reporters of the South Global are at the heart of international political development and promote their values;




Safety (Siguranță )


No climate changes and No political conflicts.




Republic (Tasavalta)


I would like the Republic of Finland, että if you are a migrant without a large amount of money märä it would still be able to live, feed and the future of hyv&auml, i.e. be targeted in the same way as the country’s national glazing. It would certainly be my ös would help if there were bit &auml guidance; mit ä the country’s habits are and mist& could start and how breastfeeding; can continue.
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