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Social justice, environmental welfare, maximum development, international peace (Justice sociale, bien-être environnemental, démocratie maximale, paix internationale)

Daouia Chalali

June 7, 2023

Social justice, environmental welfare, maximum development, international peace (Justice sociale, bien-être environnemental, démocratie maximale, paix internationale)

This image was generated with Dream Studio AI.

In 2040, political syst growth in the EU progressed towards more participatory forms of D & ampmocracy, which has made it possible to re-establish territorial anchorages that have é t &D; D é nou é s as a result of globalisation. This makes it possible, therefore, to develop the ph &Na of carri é risation and centralisation of the policy maker.
Towns and cities are no longer an opportunity to thrive; infinity and p é riph é ries/rural areas are becoming attractive and dynamic, not only as a result of participatory development, but also for the better living conditions they offer. Life has become unsustainable in towns and cities, and malgr &DITY from advanced timides in sustainable urban planning, these areas remain very difficult to cope with. Prognergy is produced more locally and R &Dmoves towards sustainable innovation models, inspired by circular and functional-oriented entrepreneurship. Young people thus find sense in the new third party rhetoric, and find entrepreneurship that corresponds to what is happening in the past.
Indicators for Prosperity public tense &D; am é liorer &DY increases in public investment in public structures. As a result, the propensity (in particular: mental) is accessible to everyone under the best possible conditions, with available sp & ampcialists. In addition, in order to support the development of development patterns, the legislations allow end-of-life support to be provided.
High rates of enterprise are tax &DITY and the right way forward, and a tax &DY ultra-wealth is cr &ue for relegation into public structures. Social and environmental justice are common values that are accepted and populist right-wing movements are diluting. measure that mixit &IES social D è s the youngest &Dshall be made compulsory. Finally, &D; the international community, young people, women, and the reporters of the South Global are at the heart of international political development and promote their values;




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Utopia (unfortunate) (Utopie (leider))


I want a greener future: —Cities other than heat bells:fewer cars, more space for people, parks, trees, green roofs, etc. —to ensure that we truly meet our climate goals and thus minimise the impact of climate change; —Protecting species that we stop our way of life for animals and plants and no longer contribute to the massive extinction of species —a policy that involves people more and does not give part of society the feeling that they have nothing to say and don’t count —a green, more liveable future for me also includes access to GUTER education for all, that everyone is addressed and you learn things that are useful to one even in times of AI (I believe that one example here is Finland) —build a prudent approach to AI, internet, digitalisation --> benefits, but also take into account the disadvantages and risks (e.g. climate damage, possible job losses, etc.), better communicate and educate people —good health care for all




Home is where the fire is


The combination of individuals together can hardly ever become one, but they can create one. One language, city, music, dance, one Europe. People all have the desire to appear, to join, to create. In 2040, the public: public space, the being together of people, digital space allows these activities, asking people to be vivid, collected. To be the moving matter in the public space of continuity, of something bigger than ourselves. The world shows herself to us in public space, and we ourselves are elements of that world, appearing for the others. In the public realm we recharge our home spheres with the dynamity of others, strangers, the freedom of movement and the space for chance. This public vibrancy, the public heart, or hestia, is the fire around which the community is built. In our private domain we can depart that public world of appearances and comfort ourselves with the warmth, the fire, hestia around which our private lives are built, of our personal controllable surroundings. I imagine a future where the public and private realm are distinct but balanced and in which the public is providing us with a feeling of collectiveness, togetherness, in which we all contribute to sustain that collective. (Hestia, the Greek goddess of the heart and fire, was both the foundation of domestic life, the fireplace, the heart of the house and the public fire, the heart of the city. In earlier times fire was essential to establish a society or community. In my vision Hestia denotes the underlying similarity of the public and the private while maintaining the distinction of the two.)




Sustainable future (Sustainable future)


In 2040, Europe thrives as a model of sustainability. Clean energy powers our lives, urban green spaces abound, and circular economy practices eliminate waste. Environmental education is paramount, fostering a society dedicated to preserving Europe's natural beauty while embracing progress




A future of kindness


I would like to see a future where kindness and social justice are a priority to people. In the future I envision, social responsibility is deeply embedded in citizens' minds and everyday lives. The gap in income, education opportunities, skills, income, and access to healthcare between different groups of people is reduced and self-interest and collective interest are synonymous.
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