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Walking Night (Περπατώντας στο δρόμο τη Νύχτα )


April 26, 2023

Walking Night (Περπατώντας στο δρόμο τη Νύχτα )

This image was generated with Dream Studio AI.

A better future should be free from the serious problems of today: violence, war, hostility, rape, crimes against people by other people, all of which I would like to have reduced. Everyone’s rights to be equal regardless of their race, sexuality, gender, what they love and what they stand for. Equality of practice, not only by name, but also in practice. Equal pay, education, education in all areas that determine a person’s future. I would like to believe that other key issues such as hunger, poverty, basic human rights and the needs of the human being covered to survive will have been resolved. We will also solve one key problem: the destruction of our own planet. And if we have not solved it, we will have made very important moves to solve it by involving citizens and persuading it is an important issue of those who are now unaware of it.




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Whole-planet survival and prosperity.


I would like by 2040 to see the world move beyond using fossil fuels to fully renewable sources of energy. This is not the only issue that is important to me, but I believe it is essential first to maintain a stable climate for allowing humanity to keep progressing in terms of expanding scientific knowledge, improving social justice, allowing continued prosperity for a greater number of people, and facilitate evolution in understanding and equality between people of different racial origins, sexual orientations and gender identities, as well as expand our understanding of nature and promote care for non-human animals and the planetary ecosystem as a whole.




Peacre and secure (Peaceful and secure)


I would like to see a future where all people will feel happy and financially secure. There will be no criminality, no wars, no violence.




Sustainable (Sustainable)


Heath - Environmental, Physical, Mental.




Getting everywhere in no time!


I hope that in 2040 there will be no traffic jams! Transportation means (of all types) would be friendly to the environment, fast and efficient. I will be able to have more free time instead of driving around and being stuck in traffic jams!
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