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L'avenir des compétences et des emplois verts en Europe en 2050August 2024

Scénario et implications politiques; conséquences pour la prevention des risques årofessionnels


In the context of European research and innovation policies, a strategic foresight process has been implemented by the European commission with a view to guiding futures needs and identifying common priorities. INRS and other European experts were invited to participate in a foresight network focusing on green skills and jobs in Europe by 2050. This article presents a summary of the discussions, with a special emphasis on the consequences for the prevention of occupational risks.

Posted on: 08/01/2025

Last Edited: 2 months ago

HORIZON FUTURES WATCH WORKSHOP #5: Futures of Green Skills and Jobs25 October - 25 October 2023

The evolving complexity of global challenges is increasingly affecting the steering of European Research and Innovation which aims at addressing important present and future societal concerns. The idea of ‘watching futures’ to anticipate future possibilities and analyse the consequences of current choices to inform and shape a forward-looking EU R&I policy is continuously gaining ground.

In this light, as part of the ‘European R&I foresight and public engagement for Horizon Europe’ study launched by the European Commission in connection to the Horizon Europe Foresight Network, a second series of online workshops will take place during October – November 2023.

The workshops, which will run for two hours each, will discuss insights stemming from thematic policy briefs compiled by expert panels, addressing possible future scenarios for critical issues (i.e., Interpretation of Criminal and Lawful Activities, Green Skills and Jobs, Big Tech, etc.). Following the presentation of each policy brief, each workshop will feature two focus groups: one involving the group of experts from the panel who developed the policy brief and one including representatives from topic-relevant EU-funded R&I projects. All events will foster extensive engagement with participants, including policymakers.

Posted on: 28/11/2024

Last Edited: 3 months ago

Futures of Green Skills and Jobs in EuropeNovember 2023

Scenario and Policy Implications

Climate change and environmental degradation are an existential threat to the European Union and to the world. As a response, among other things, the European Green Deal aims to make Europe climate-neutral by 2050, boost the economy through green technology, create sustainable industry and transport, and cut pollution. The transition towards greener and more sustainable economies is a game changer in the EU labour market alongside digitalisation and automation. Skill needs will change with impacts far beyond the key occupations driving them, affecting all economic sectors.

Europe needs to promote and support green employment, address the skilling and reskilling of workers, and anticipate changes in workplaces of the future. In order to get a better grasp on potential future outcomes, and better anticipate their potential policy implications, a foresight Deep Dive has been carried out. The Deep Dive uses a broad conceptualization of skills that encompasses the full palette from scientific and engineering skills to vocational and crafts-like skills. All are needed in the green labour market, although the scenario-led focus here for the most part is on skills of vocational professions. This policy brief presents the main findings.

A set of four different scenarios for the futures of green skills and jobs in Europe in 2050 were crafted:

  • Scenario A: Green technology-intensive Europe: Struggling to fill all the green jobs
  • Scenario B: Apocalypse Soon: Fighting skills mismatches in a degraded environment
  • Scenario C: Feeling the pain: A workforce left behind in a non-green world
  • Scenario D: Green leapfrogging: Old, mismatched Europe surrounded by new green giants

Posted on: 30/10/2024