
    I am a foresight expert and policy analyst at European Commission's Joint Research Centre, and author of the book 'De Mythes van de Toekomst' (trans.: Myths of the Future). As a member of the JRC's EU Policy Lab, I Use techniques, methods and insights from the field of Futures Studies and Foresight to set up, perform and analyze research activities to support policymaking at the European Commission. Topics that I'm currently working on include futures of democracy, resilience and sustainability transitions

    My book - 'De Mythes van de Toekomst' - is in essence a plea to question and rethink the deeply held assumptions, narratives, and myths - based on a dominant, neoliberal worldview - that shape our thinking about the future and guide behavior in the present, in light of the structural societal crises we face (such as inequality, brittle supply chains and climate change).

    In 2022, I have co-written and narrated an episode of the documentary-series 'Tegenlicht' for the Dutch public broadcasting service VPRO. 'Wat als de handel stilvalt' (trans: 'What if the trade would stop') explores the history and flaws of our current global trading systems that led us to crises in production and distribution, as well as possible future alternatives to this system which we can already see forming today. 

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