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    Last Edited: 4 months ago

    Romanian Public Administration 20251April 2014 - September 2014

    Elaboration of the Strategy on Strengthening the Efficiency of Public Administration

    The Vision was developed as part of the project Elaboration of the Strategy on Strengthening the Efficiency of Public Administration 2014-2020.

    The vision building process involved over 40 representatives of public administration agencies and a variety of stakeholders in two day-long workshops. The process comprised four main stages:

    • an exploration of drivers of societal change by 2025;
    • defining an aspiration for 2025;
    • defining success scenarios for 2025 
    • defining transformational factors for public administratio reform.

    In the same project, a Dynamic Argumentative Delphi was deployed for assesing the future impact of a set of policy measures in relation the established vision.

    The resulting vision document and the selected policies has been included in the National Strategy on Strengthening the Efficiency of Public Administration 2014-2020, which has been adopted by Governement Decision.

    Posted on: 09/12/2024