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    OrganicTargets4EU1August 2022 - January 2026

    Transformation scenarios for boosting organic farming and aquaculture towards the Farm-to-fork targets

    OrganicTargets4EU supports the Farm-to-Fork Strategy in achieving the targets of at least 25% of the EU's agricultural land under organic farming and a significant increase in organic aquaculture by 2030.


    OrganicTargets4EU for reaching these targets and identifies key drivers and lock-ins affecting the development of organic agriculture and aquaculture in 29 countries (EU-27+CH+NO). 

    Production and Market analysis of the identified scenarios to provide a picture of:

    • Where increases in organic farmland can be achieved
    • The socio-economic impacts of these increases at the level of primary production, value chains, and markets
    • The mechanisms that can drive demand for organic food 

    Knowledge & Innovation actions to:

    • Identify opportunities to strengthen organic advisory services
    • Stimulate the exchange of scientific and practical knowledge
    • Increase and coordinate R&I investments in the organic sector 

    Policy work facilitating a multi-actor policy dialogue to:

    • Assess the feasibility of the organic Farm-to-Fork targets
    • Supports the implementation of the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP), EU Organic Regulation, Organic Action Plan
    • Provide short-term policy options (policy framework up to 2027) and policy recommendations in the next policy reform (from 2028 onwards).


    Posted on: 30/10/2024