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    Research and Innovation Authority (Výskumná a inovačná autorita)

    Posted on: 25/11/2024

    Last Edited: 4 months ago

    Eye of Europe's first Mutual Learning Event23 May - 23 May 2024

    Emerging Practices in Foresight for Research & Innovation policy

    The first Mutual Learning Event (MLE) took place on May 23, 2024 in Bratislava, Slovakia as part of the Horizon Europe project Eye of Europe, which aims to contribute to the maturing of a vibrant Research and Innovation (R&I) foresight community in Europe and to support the integration of foresight practices into R&I policy-making.

    Forty participants from partner organizations and external representatives of ministries, governmental bodies, R&I funding agencies and the European institutions gathered in the premises of the Government Office of the Slovak Republic.

    This MLE, organized by Technology Centre Prague (TC), focused on the identification of emerging needs and approaches in the practice of foresight for research and innovation. To this end, the MLE in Bratislava was structured along the following phases:

    • Eye of Europe’s vision and main building blocks, presented by project coordinator Radu Gheorghiu
    • The context and role of this MLE, and a brief overview of other mutual learning events that took place since 2020, presented by Michal Pazour 
    • Showcasing preliminary results of the Stocktaking of the organisation of R&I Foresight activities in the European Research Area (ERA), by Simone Weske. The presentation highlighted key benefits of the R&I foresight activities, constraints and bottlenecks, as perceived by the survey respondents.
    • Four country studies - Slovakia, Finland, Austria and Sweden - have brought interesting insights and comparisons related to R&I foresight uptake and potential for improvement:
      Slovakia: Research and Innovation System and the potential for R&I Foresight |Michal Habrman, Government Office of the Slovak Republic
      Finland: Finnish national foresight ecosystem | Juha Kaskinen, FFRC University of Turku Finland
      Sweden: Leading from the Future in Sweden | Joakim Skog, Vinnova Sweden
      Austria: R&I foresight | Christian Naczinsky, Austrian Ministry of Education
    • Discussions in four participant groups on emerging functions and approaches of R&I foresight. Overall, the group discussions touched on the dynamics of R&I foresight demand and supply and on the diversification of tools and methods for establishing dialogue with policy-making.

      This video created by the event host, Výskumná a inovačná autorita (VAIA), offers a glimpse into the spirit of both the MLE and the R&I foresight masterclass that preceded it. The detailed outputs of the MLE will be published in a dedicated report.

      Five MLEs are planned in the project, with the following one being held online in September 2024. All Eye of Europe MLEs are organized by Technology Centre Prague (TC), Eye of Europe partner and key Czech national think tank and academia based NGO with a rich experience with knowledge-based policy making support and (participatory as well as expert based) foresight activities.

    Posted on: 23/10/2024