    User Avatar - Bianca Dragomir

    Bianca Dragomir

    Live deeply and tenderly

    Bianca Dragomir, vice-president of Prospectiva - short for Institutul de Prospectiva (prospectiva.ro) - has been working in foresight for the last ten years, especially within the field of Research and Innovation. She’s been involved in designing and implementing complex foresight projects, at national and European level, with components such as horizon scanning, scenario and vision building, large online expert consultations, speculative design, citizen participation, futures education. She is currently contributing to maturing a Europe-wide foresight community hosted by futures4europe.eu

    Her practice of foresight - particularly its functions of imagining and deliberating potential futures - capitalises on her extensive experience in academic and public debate: a former national debate champion and European vice-champion, Bianca has taught debate to students from Europe, the Middle East, and South-East Asia, and has represented Romania as a youth delegate to the United Nations.

    Current Affiliations

    Foresight expert

    Foresight Methods


    Project Participation