The project “S&T&I for 2050” is structured around five intertwined tasks:

The conceptual base for the project was built on existing scientific literature, on feedback provided by workshops, experts, and EC stakeholders, and on quality assurance provided by three external key experts. The result of this task is a framework of three perspectives on ecosystem performance:
- Protecting and restoring ecosystems,
- Co-shaping socio-ecological systems,
- Caring within hybrid collectives.
To identify current and emerging STI trends in Task 2, a series of mapping exercises that relied on quantitative methods were performed. Most importantly a Dynamic Argumentative Delphi was conducted. Six of the major thematic areas of STI trends were selected for advancing six case studies. The case studies conducted related to the following topics:
- Soil health, with the title “Soil to Soul”
- Land use, with the title “Land Use Futures”
- Systems of production and consumption, with the title “From Waste Management to Regenerative Economy”
- Data uses, with the title “Data as Representation”
- Rights of nature, with the title “Law for Nature”
- Developments in the micro- and nano-cosmos, with the title “Ecosystems and Micro-and Nano Cosmos”