    Project Picture - #OurFutures


    Collecting stories from citizens of Europe, indicating their desirable futures.

    #OurFutures invites people across the EU to share their imagined futures.

    The project supports and inspires a collective dialogue about the future of Europe and its visions for the future. 

    We welcome your short story expressing what you would like to see in the Europe of the future, making explicit your hopes, aspirations, but also uncertainties.

    The visions you and other citizens submit will be analysed and shared with EU policy makers. We will look for early signs of potentially important developments, persistent problems, novel and unexpected issues. These outcomes will serve to generate actual, future-oriented recommendations for EU action to build together the Europe that we want.

    Post Image

    The future is a co-creation. Share your visions of tomorrow and join us in creating a narrative that inspires citizens, policymakers, and foresight experts:

    Examples of future visions shared on #OurFutures
    Examples of future visions shared on #OurFutures

    Foresight Methods


