
    Amos Taylor (MA) is a Project Researcher at the Finland Futures Research Centre, university of Turku. His work has covered topics of crisis and resilience, ethical approaches to futures, future generations and foresight, anticipatory governance, future imaginaries, and facilitating strategic foresight. He specialises in developing highly participatory and creative approaches to explore open alternative futures. He has taught and

    lectured on strategic foresight, as well as media culture related subjects. He has a multidisciplinary background with two master's degrees in Futures Studies from the University of Turku and Media Culture from the University of Lapland; which build on his previous undergraduate studies in design from Central Saint Martins College of Art and Design, London.

    Understanding future opportunities and strategic pathways is a common goal for organisations and institutions alike. Via a structured foresight process, creating for example scenarios and strategy workshops that help large corporations, high-performing SMEs, associations and public institutions manage disruptive change and shape their future with foresight. This is intellectually stimulating, and combines analytical rigour with creative vision. On the other hand experiencing the future needs to be done in novel innovative and creative ways, and we must rewrite the book on engaging critical uncertanties, to look within to find the vital questions needed.

    As a researcher I am part of a dynamic team, pushing the development of futures research. Typically to analyse trends, identify key uncertainties of the future, explore scenarios in a participatory way and destil recommendations for action to form strategic paths into the future. Does this sound like somethign you would be interested in? please contact.

    Current Affiliations

    Foresight Methods


    Project Participation


    Project Result Preview - Transformative imaginaries

    Transformative imaginaries

    Project Result Preview - Critical Uncertainties

    Critical Uncertainties