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    Last Edited: 15 days ago

    Mobilising the future

    Horizon scanning for emerging technologies and breakthrough innovations in the field of mobility

    This report documents the process and findings of a horizon scanning exercise, part of a series under the FUTURINNOV (FUTURe-oriented detection and assessment of emerging technologies and breakthrough INNOVation) project, a collaboration between the European Innovation Council (EIC) and the Joint Research Centre (JRC), aiming to bolster the EIC's strategic intelligence through foresight and anticipatory methodologies.
    The workshop, held on 16 October 2024, had as its primary goal the evaluation and prioritisation of trends and signals on emerging technologies and breakthrough innovation, across all tech7-nology readiness levels (TRLs), within the broad Mobility domain, broken-down into four key areas: transport systems, networks and multimodality; automotive and roads; rail/freight and logistics and aviation and airports.
    Signals for the workshop were gathered from experts, literature review, and text/data mining of patents, publications, and EU-funded projects. These signals were then scrutinised for their significance to the field's future by a diverse group of sector experts which led to the identification of 22 different key topics across the key areas above. These signals can be seen as hotspots of innovation that deserve the EIC’s attention for possible future support.
    Participants also highlighted various factors that could influence the development, adoption, and promotion of these emerging technologies, which are presented in the report as drivers, enablers and barriers, and analysed specifically in each of the 4 key areas.

    Posted on: 11/03/2025

    Last Edited: 2 months ago

    FOD EEA Urban Mobility1November 2020 - October 2021

    FOD EEA Urban Mobility 1:

    The aim of the project was to scan the horizon for emerging issues that may affect what urban mobility might look like in Europe in 2050. Furthermore, implications of these possible developments for air quality, greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, noise, land use, and in turn for the health and well-being of the inhabitants of European cities were explored. The emerging issues identified contributed to some of the key questions that were identified as part of the EEA’s urban Sustainability Conceptual Framework, such as how cities can look past the personal car era and reimagine their streets as pathway for recovery, built around walking, biking, and public transit. The outcomes of the project included six factsheets on emerging issues related to urban mobility and their impact on health and the environment, including trends, uncertainties and impacts for environment, health and related policy making, including sources of evidence, as well as three possible narratives with visuals on urban mobility in 2050, where two or more of the emerging issues are combined in different but meaningful ways, and a final short report describing the methodology and references used.

    FOD EEA Urban Mobility 2:

    The purpose of the project was to strengthen the outputs of the previous contract (European urban mobility 2050), which covered a horizon scan for emerging issues that may affect what urban mobility might look like in Europe in 2050. Specifically, the study produced a strengthened and enriched version of the six emerging issues identified and developed in the previous contract, two additional emerging issues identified as part of the previous contract but not developed, namely ‘New and upcoming business models for delivery and mobility‘, and ‘Combination of V2X and IoT’, mind-map representations of the three narratives identified in the previous contract illustrating the key elements, connections and implications on health and environment at three spatial levels: individual, city, and regional / network of cities, and a 4-page briefing that summarises the process and outputs from this contract and the previous one. The briefing was designed to inform EEA’s audience of the ongoing forward-looking work associated with urban mobility.

    Posted on: 29/01/2025

    Last Edited: 2 months ago

    Daniil Valéry Lang1

    Posted on: 23/01/2025

    Last Edited: 3 months ago

    IDEALIST1November 2023 - October 2026

    3 InDustrial Ecosystems tAckLing supply chains dISrupTions and boosting advanced technologies uptake

    The overall objective of "3 InDustrial Ecosystems tAckLing supply chain dISrupTions and driving the adoption of advanced technologies" (IDEALIST) is to support SMEs in energy-intensive industries, aerospace and defence, mobility, transport & automotive industrial ecosystems in their ability to understand and adapt to changes brought about by rapid and unexpected developments in the world such as the COVID-19 crisis or the Russia-led war in Ukraine.

    These three sectors are of capital importance for the European economy and despite their specificity, have common challenges that the project helps address: transition to more sustainable practices, competitiveness issues in a context of scarcer raw materials and more expensive energy, change in consumption habits and more. Being more resilient means giving SMEs the opportunity to be a player in these changes and no longer just a spectator or follower. To do this, the project evolves around three pillars: strategic foresight to establish relevant tools and behaviors to anticipate and better prepare for change in an orderly and systematic way; technology uptake to overcome obstacles related to the implementation work of Advanced Technologies and lay the foundations of alliances between tech-savvy and traditional SMEs; and supply chains to identify critical dependencies and weaknesses in order to limit the impacts of disruptions on value chains. This work will lead to the realization of Pilot Projects promoting the meeting between ecosystems, facilitated by the use of the Hack&Match method. The mobilization of the AGORA platform led by EIT Manufacturing will support this objective of matchmaking and community building. The project is carried by a relevant consortium of 14 partners from 6 European countries and Ukraine representing several thousand manufacturing companies.

    Find more information here.

    Posted on: 03/01/2025

    Last Edited: 4 months ago

    Insight Foresight Institute1


    Posted on: 25/11/2024

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    Last Edited: a year ago

    Shaping the Skills Needed for the Future of Automated Mobility

    In the fast-moving realm of mobility, one fact stands out: the road to success requires new skills. To meet evolving customer needs, embrace cutting-edge technologies, and fulfil environmental commit-ments, the transport sector is turning to automation for sustainable, cost-effective, and inclusive mobility solutions. However, the interplay between automation, reskilling, and sustainability is more complex than meets the eye.

    Posted on: 06/10/2023

    Last Edited: 5 months ago

    Strategic Foresight for Sustainability1June 2022 - May 2025


    SF4S is a collaborative action with partners from Higher Education institutions (HEIs), Vocational Education and Training (VET) providers, innovation networks and business entities from the Agri-food, Health and the Mobility sectors.

    Carried out between July 2022 - June 2025, SF4S supports our transition to a more sustainable European economy by helping to address the lack of green, digital and future (i.e. sustainability foresight) skills among students and professionals and by connecting knowledge flows between HEI, VET and industry actors that are necessary for Europe to develop cooperative solutions on a large-scale and support the recommendations for action in the major reports and initiatives: Green Deal, NextGenerationEU, European Skills Agenda and OECD Future of Education and Skills 2030.


    Posted on: 30/10/2024