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    Last Edited: 20 days ago


    Transportes Inovação e Sistemas

    Transportes, Inovação e Sistemas (TIS) is an independent Portuguese consultancy (SME) with over 30 years of experience in the market. With offices in Lisbon and Porto (Portugal) and Fortaleza and São Paulo (Brazil), TIS provides expertise and decision-making support on policies, planning, economic evaluations, and operations across all transport sectors. This includes transport infrastructure, policies, economics, modeling, and market studies.

    TIS has extensive experience working with the European Commission, the European Parliament, EU agencies (e.g., EMSA and EUSPA), and multilateral organisations such as the EIB, UNDP, UNECE, and the World Bank, both as a sole contractor and as the leader of large consortia. Additionally, TIS has in-depth knowledge of TEN-T policy and has coordinated the TEN-T Atlantic corridor since 2014, actively contributing to transport infrastructure and mobility planning at the European level.

    The company has significant expertise in conducting fact-finding studies, fitness checks, evaluations and impact assessments for various EC Directorates-General, incorporating foresight methodologies to ensure that EU legislative work remains future-proof. This forward-looking approach to policy objectives and regulatory developments is also applied in research and innovation projects.

    Posted on: 06/03/2025

    Last Edited: 20 days ago

    André Freitas1

    Posted on: 06/03/2025

    Last Edited: 22 days ago

    Identifying STI developments contributing to the capability of planetary ecosystems to flourishApril 2022

    Results of a Delphi survey

    This report showcases the results of the two-round Dynamic Argumentative Delphi survey carried out within the project “S&T&I for 2050. Science, Technology and Innovation for Ecosystem Performance – Accelerating Sustainability Transitions”. The overarching ambition of this project is the “identification and mapping of future scientific and technological developments that can radically improve ecosystem performance”. The main outcome is to provide “reflections towards the 2nd Strategic Plan of Horizon Europe (HE), in its broad direction to support the Sustainable Development Goals.”

    To this end, quantitative and qualitative methods were employed, among which this report refers to:  

    • Patent and bibliometric analysis for selecting the most dynamic Science, Technology and Innovation (STI) domains; 
    • Horizon scanning through web mining and human evaluation for identifying key STI directions and specific examples of technological/scientific breakthroughs within these directions; 
    • Dynamic Argumentative Delphi engaging relevant experts from around the world in an argument-based exploration regarding the contribution of STI to the capability of ecosystems to flourish from now to 2050. 

    Posted on: 04/03/2025

    Last Edited: 2 months ago

    Daniil Valéry Lang1

    Posted on: 23/01/2025

    Last Edited: 3 months ago

    IDEALIST1November 2023 - October 2026

    3 InDustrial Ecosystems tAckLing supply chains dISrupTions and boosting advanced technologies uptake

    The overall objective of "3 InDustrial Ecosystems tAckLing supply chain dISrupTions and driving the adoption of advanced technologies" (IDEALIST) is to support SMEs in energy-intensive industries, aerospace and defence, mobility, transport & automotive industrial ecosystems in their ability to understand and adapt to changes brought about by rapid and unexpected developments in the world such as the COVID-19 crisis or the Russia-led war in Ukraine.

    These three sectors are of capital importance for the European economy and despite their specificity, have common challenges that the project helps address: transition to more sustainable practices, competitiveness issues in a context of scarcer raw materials and more expensive energy, change in consumption habits and more. Being more resilient means giving SMEs the opportunity to be a player in these changes and no longer just a spectator or follower. To do this, the project evolves around three pillars: strategic foresight to establish relevant tools and behaviors to anticipate and better prepare for change in an orderly and systematic way; technology uptake to overcome obstacles related to the implementation work of Advanced Technologies and lay the foundations of alliances between tech-savvy and traditional SMEs; and supply chains to identify critical dependencies and weaknesses in order to limit the impacts of disruptions on value chains. This work will lead to the realization of Pilot Projects promoting the meeting between ecosystems, facilitated by the use of the Hack&Match method. The mobilization of the AGORA platform led by EIT Manufacturing will support this objective of matchmaking and community building. The project is carried by a relevant consortium of 14 partners from 6 European countries and Ukraine representing several thousand manufacturing companies.

    Find more information here.

    Posted on: 03/01/2025

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    Last Edited: 2 years ago

    Interview: Putting Cities at the Centre

    SPROUT empowers cities to face urban transformation and disruptive innovation in sustainable mobility through the co-creation of resilient mobility policies.

    Posted on: 11/07/2023

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    Last Edited: a year ago

    Shaping the Skills Needed for the Future of Automated Mobility

    In the fast-moving realm of mobility, one fact stands out: the road to success requires new skills. To meet evolving customer needs, embrace cutting-edge technologies, and fulfil environmental commit-ments, the transport sector is turning to automation for sustainable, cost-effective, and inclusive mobility solutions. However, the interplay between automation, reskilling, and sustainability is more complex than meets the eye.

    Posted on: 06/10/2023