Last Edited: 19 hours ago
Posted on: 25/03/2025
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Last Edited: 19 hours ago
Posted on: 25/03/2025
Last Edited: 7 days ago
Supports the economic growth in South-East Europe by promoting innovative solutions and facilitating the transfer of technologies and know-how.
The first organization in the South- East region to implement foresight methods to shape public policy.
Posted on: 19/03/2025
Last Edited: 18 days ago
Posted on: 08/03/2025
Last Edited: 20 days ago
Transportes, Inovação e Sistemas (TIS) is an independent Portuguese consultancy (SME) with over 30 years of experience in the market. With offices in Lisbon and Porto (Portugal) and Fortaleza and São Paulo (Brazil), TIS provides expertise and decision-making support on policies, planning, economic evaluations, and operations across all transport sectors. This includes transport infrastructure, policies, economics, modeling, and market studies.
TIS has extensive experience working with the European Commission, the European Parliament, EU agencies (e.g., EMSA and EUSPA), and multilateral organisations such as the EIB, UNDP, UNECE, and the World Bank, both as a sole contractor and as the leader of large consortia. Additionally, TIS has in-depth knowledge of TEN-T policy and has coordinated the TEN-T Atlantic corridor since 2014, actively contributing to transport infrastructure and mobility planning at the European level.
The company has significant expertise in conducting fact-finding studies, fitness checks, evaluations and impact assessments for various EC Directorates-General, incorporating foresight methodologies to ensure that EU legislative work remains future-proof. This forward-looking approach to policy objectives and regulatory developments is also applied in research and innovation projects.
Posted on: 06/03/2025
Last Edited: 20 days ago
Posted on: 06/03/2025
Last Edited: a month ago
Posted on: 27/02/2025
Last Edited: a month ago
Posted on: 20/02/2025
Last Edited: 3 months ago
Posted on: 03/01/2025
Last Edited: 3 months ago
4CF The Futures Literacy Company is a consultancy entirely focused on strategic foresight and long-term strategies. For nearly two decades, 4CF has been on the mission to help its clients prepare for an uncertain tomorrow. The Company has executed hundreds of projects for private companies, public institutions and international entities, including the European Commission and its agencies (EUDA, ENISA), FAO, UNFCCC, UNESCO, UNEP and UNDP. 4CF is at the forefront of global innovation, and actively contributes to the development of cutting-edge foresight tools, including 4CF HalnyX (Delphi platform), 4CF Sprawlr, 4CF FLEx.
Posted on: 17/12/2024
Last Edited: 3 months ago
Foresight and societal resilience are intimately linked. Foresight processes generate insights and relationships that help communities in dealing with uncertainty. Through Foresight – so scholars argue – communities gain a richer understanding of the potential of the present and strengthen the social fabric in its ability to act upon these insights, from coping and adaptation to transformation.
So far goes the theory …
The FUTURESILIENCE project has set out on a jour ney exploring foresight’s contribution to societal resilience in practice.
Ten “FUTURESILIENCE Labs ” located in ten different regions across Europe have embarked on a scenario process to strengthen resilience in the face of very different challenges. In the meantime, the ten Labs are in the middle of their journey - here is a sneak preview into two of the Labs:
The IMMER Lab aims at strengthening the local resilience of mobility and energy-related activities in the cross-border Strasbourg-Kehl region. To this end, the Lab is using a science fiction-based Futures Café approach where actors from municipalities co-develop and discuss a range of science-fiction based crisis scenarios such as e.g. a Tsunami in the Rhine River Valley. In its recent Futures Café workshop , after exploring a range of different scenarios, the group discovered seven actions that were useful across scenarios and therefore highly likely to underpin crisis resilience.
The COSIGHT Lab is located in the German city of Hamburg. It aims to mitigate societal polarization and enhance societal resilience by increasing conflict resolution and problem-solving skills. This involves developing resilience-promoting citizen processes. To this end it is complementing an existing participatory process, the “CoSaturday”, with the FUTURESILIENCE scenario approach. The first COSIGHT workshop focused on the integration of migrant populations – a much-contested issue in Hamburg. The first workshop gathered more than 35 integration stakeholders from a wide range of backgrounds. Participants identified key influencing factors of integration, barriers for successful integration and tools to address these barriers. COSIGHT is now looking to transfer these findings to local policy makers.
Experience from these Labs seems to confirm the theoretical argument. A particular strength lies in the rich diversity of approaches. Even though the FUTURESILIENCE project provided an overarching guideline for a scenario process, each Lab interpreted this process according to the local specific requirements and capacities as IMMER and COSIGHT illustrate. As FUTURESILIENCE evolves, we will highlight further glimpses into the manifold discoveries made during the Labs’ foresight journey.
Posted on: 13/12/2024
Last Edited: 4 months ago
We organise a series of three workshops: the first two are devoted to devise scenarios, while the third one will derive policy implications.
Alongside digitalisation and automation trends, the shift towards greener and more sustainable economies is a game changer in EU labour markets. Grounded in long-term transformative trends spanning several decades, the green transitions are picking up speed. The resulting changes in skill needs will have impacts far beyond the key occupations driving them, affecting all economic sectors. An important challenge for the coming years is accelerating up- and reskilling so that people have the green skills to thrive in greener jobs.
In this workshop, we seek to develop scenarios for the future of green skills and jobs. The series is part of the "European R&I foresight and public engagement for Horizon Europe" project. It supports the work of the Horizon Europe Foresight Network and provides intelligence and supports the development of a European R&I foresight community.
Posted on: 29/11/2024
Last Edited: 4 months ago
We organise a series of three workshops: the first two are devoted to devise scenarios, while the third one will derive policy implications.
Alongside digitalisation and automation trends, the shift towards greener and more sustainable economies is a game changer in EU labour markets. Grounded in long-term transformative trends spanning several decades, the green transitions are picking up speed. The resulting changes in skill1 needs will have impacts far beyond the key occupations driving them, affecting all economic sectors. An important challenge for the coming years is accelerating up- and reskilling so that people have the green skills to thrive in greener jobs.
In this workshop, we seek to develop scenarios for the future of green skills and jobs. The series is part of the "European R&I foresight and public engagement for Horizon Europe" project. It supports the work of the Horizon Europe Foresight Network and provides intelligence and supports the development of a European R&I foresight community.
Posted on: 29/11/2024
Last Edited: 4 months ago
The evolving complexity of global challenges is increasingly affecting the steering of European Research and Innovation which aims at addressing important present and future societal concerns. The idea of ‘watching futures’ to anticipate future possibilities and analyse the consequences of current choices to inform and shape a forward-looking EU R&I policy is continuously gaining ground.
In this light, as part of the ‘European R&I foresight and public engagement for Horizon Europe’ study launched by the European Commission in connection to the Horizon Europe Foresight Network, a second series of online workshops will take place during October – November 2023.
The workshops, which will run for two hours each, will discuss insights stemming from thematic policy briefs compiled by expert panels, addressing possible future scenarios for critical issues (i.e., Interpretation of Criminal and Lawful Activities, Green Skills and Jobs, Big Tech, etc.). Following the presentation of each policy brief, each workshop will feature two focus groups: one involving the group of experts from the panel who developed the policy brief and one including representatives from topic-relevant EU-funded R&I projects. All events will foster extensive engagement with participants, including policymakers.
Posted on: 29/11/2024
Last Edited: 4 months ago
Wondering about the European Union's future role on the world stage? 🇪🇺 On behalf of the Federal Foreign Service of Germany, the DLR-PT conducted a Strategic Foresight Workshop including a Futures Literacy Lab on the topic 'The European Union as a global actor in 2040?'! Together with experts and Federal Foreign Office staff, the DLR-PT explored innovative ways of thinking about the futures.
Booklet on the Strategic Foresight Workshop
Posted on: 25/11/2024
Last Edited: 4 months ago
Posted on: 25/11/2024
Last Edited: 4 months ago
Posted on: 20/11/2024
Last Edited: 5 months ago
Posted on: 05/11/2024
Last Edited: 5 months ago
As a result of the recent pandemic, global value chains have completely transformed. This has raised concerns over the ensuing social, economic and environmental trends and related impact on the way supply chains are organised. In this context, the EU-funded ReSChape project will analyse social, economic and environmental changes and disruptions, including the COVID-19 pandemic, and evaluate their impact on supply chains. New supply chain models will be proposed, aiming towards a more streamlined supply chain process to assure humans (workers, consumers and in general citizens) to be at the center of the business also thanks to new digital technologies. It will be studied how to assure a positive social impact and innovative policy scenarios will be developed with recommendations to support the future supply chains.
The aims of this proposal are:
• To analyse social, economic and environmental changes and disruptions (including covid) and evaluate their impact on SCs, identifying related challenges in terms of relationship between countries, configuration of the network, impact on employment.
• To study and propose a set of SC models for the evolution of global SC integrating strategies like resource efficient, closed-loop and humanitarian as a way to increase EU resilience and sustainability. Particular attention will be given to the role of digitalization as a way to establish new paths for social inclusion taking into consideration the needs of urban and rural areas. Some important European sectors like fashion, automotive, medical and machine tools will be analysed with case studies and survey.
• To develop Innovative tools for monitoring and assessing sectoral trade patterns and defining mechanisms to evaluate relationship of disruptions like pandemic and global value chains taking into consideration impact on employment, economic growth, incomes etc also in the long term. Moreover, it will be analysed the impact of different trade patterns, on the EU value added of sectoral and countries with a specific focus on analyzing income inequalities and proposition of decent work and social cohesion. Particular attention will be gives to gender issues and social disparities.
• To develop innovative policy scenarios with recommendations for future global value chains: policy scenarios will be based on Key horizontal issues impacting on several sectors and will provide recommendations for EU, national and sectoral strategies, policy measures and targeted actions aimed at shaping fair, inclusive and sustainable trade patterns, value and supply chains as well as production networks.
Posted on: 22/10/2024