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    Last Edited: 21 days ago

    Vision through consensus - The Delphi method for collective foresightFebruary 2025

    Eye of Europe Foresight Starter Video #3

    This video introduces viewers to the Delphi method, a tool of futures research and foresight. Although it gets its name from the ancient Greek oracle, the modern incarnations of the method are powered by technology. Even so, the difficulties of reaching consensus and the influence of group dynamics on rational argumentation remain. If you are participating in a Delphi process, this video is an essential introduction to the method.

    This video is third part of a series of videos introducing foresight workshop methods for the Eye of Europe project funded by the EU.

    Posted on: 05/03/2025

    Last Edited: 2 months ago

    Horizon scanning — tips and tricksJuly 2023

    A practical guide - Eionet Report

    This document provides guidance on how to conduct a structured horizon scanning process to identify emerging developments that could have potential impact in the future, and in particular on the environment. It starts with an overview of the guide (Chapter 1) and an introduction to horizon scanning (Chapter 2) in connection with the concept of futures literacy. It then provides a step-by-step approach for conducting a structured horizon scanning process (Chapter 3), including a variety
    of diverse sources for spotting signals, different frameworks for signal scanning and several options to unpack and analyse the collected signals and patterns of change through creative methods and exercises. It also proposes a few different and complementary ways of communicating the findings to relevant stakeholders, networks and communities. Lastly, it suggests some tools (Chapter 4) that can be used to strengthen the scanning process. The annexes offer a detailed comparison of such tools and a glossary of terms related to futures literacy.

    Posted on: 30/01/2025

    Last Edited: 2 months ago

    Joe Ravetz1

    Posted on: 27/01/2025

    Last Edited: 2 months ago

    Institutionalising foresight capability (and creating wide foresight communities) in the R&I system05 December - 06 December 2022

    Mutual Learning Exercise- Research and Innovation Foresight

    FCT, ISEG - Lisbon School of Economics and Management and the European Commission (Directorate-General for Research and Innovation) promoted, on December 5, a workshop with the active participation of representatives from all sectors of the National Research and Innovation System (R&I), and representatives of European states participating in this MLE-Mutual Learning Exercise, in order to discuss and agree on possible guidelines and joint work with a view to an institutionalization of capabilities and the creation of foresight communities in this system.

    The following day, December 6th, FCT hosted the meeting of this network that has, besides Portugal, representatives from Austria, Belgium, Czech Republic, Finland, Norway, Romania and Slovenia.   

    Posted on: 21/01/2025

    Last Edited: 3 months ago

    4CF The Futures Literacy Company1

    4CF The Futures Literacy Company is a consultancy entirely focused on strategic foresight and long-term strategies. For nearly two decades, 4CF has been on the mission to help its clients prepare for an uncertain tomorrow. The Company has executed hundreds of projects for private companies, public institutions and international entities, including the European Commission and its agencies (EUDA, ENISA), FAO, UNFCCC, UNESCO, UNEP and UNDP. 4CF is at the forefront of global innovation, and actively contributes to the development of cutting-edge foresight tools, including 4CF HalnyX (Delphi platform), 4CF Sprawlr, 4CF FLEx.

    Posted on: 17/12/2024

    Last Edited: 3 months ago

    Foresight Starter Videos: Preparing participants for foresight workshops with short videosNovember 2024

    As part of the Eye of Europe project, the Finland Futures Research Centre is developing a brand new set of ‘Foresight Starter Videos’. See the first video here.

    A new series of 'Foresight Starter Sets' is an an essential part of Finland Futures Research Centre's (FFRC) contribution to the Eye of Europe project. One starter set component is a set of short videos. The videos introduce and clarify futures thinking and foresight, what to expect from a foresight workshop, and a variety of foresight workshop methods. The videos could serve as promotional material but also help organizers calibrate participants expectations prior to their participation in a foresight workshop.

    Finland Futures Research Centre is developing the video series to help participants prepare to participate in foresight workshops. The videos immediate use is related to the Eye of Europe Pilot Foresight Activities which will run through 2025 and 2026, but the videos will be freely available as a useful resource for foresight organizers outside the scope, and beyond the lifetime, of the project. 

    Reaching target audiences with foresight beyond text

    As the Work Package lead of Eye of Europe, the FFRC targets two unofficial ambitions underpinning all project activities: First, lowering the bar for organizing and participating in foresight workshops. Second, moving foresight beyond text. That is, finding new audiences via new formats compared to the classic domain of long text-based foresight reports. The set of Foresight Starter Videos aims to achieve both of these premises, as it uses a format of short videos (3-8 minutes per video) to introduce foresight, futures thinking, and futures methods to new audiences with a playful and welcoming tone. 

    The video set has two introductory videos that can be used in advance of any foresight workshop, while the ambition for the following videos relate to specific methods and approaches. The presumed use case is that foresight organizers can provide links to the introductory videos for foresight workshop participants in advance of their participation. We have found at the FFRC that sometimes people, even if they are domain experts in other fields, can be apprehensive prior to foresight workshops, as this may be unfamiliar territory for them (and for people used to being experts, unfamiliar can mean uncomfortable). 

    Foresight Starter Set Video Roadmap

    Launching the first videos

    The series of videos are developed by Martyn Richards and Zainab Yasin at the Finland Futures Research Centre. The videos will be hosted on the Finland Futures Research Centre’s YouTube Channel as well as feature on the Futures4Europe platform’s upcoming Toolbox, a set of useful methodologies and resources for advancing R&I foresight. 

    As of December 2024, the first video on “Untangling Futures and Foresight: An Essentials Guide” is now available on YouTube.  

    Posted on: 16/12/2024

    Last Edited: 4 months ago

    Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (FCT)1

    Foundation for Science and Technology

    Posted on: 04/12/2024

    Last Edited: 4 months ago

    Lydia Caldana1

    ALAF - Associação Latina de Futuros | Future Resources | Foresight, Urban Policy & Strategy

    Posted on: 18/11/2024

    Last Edited: 4 months ago

    Lourdes Rodriguez1

    Posted on: 18/11/2024

    Last Edited: 4 months ago

    Mateus Panizzon, PhD.1

    Theoretical dimensions for integrating research on anticipatory governance, scientific foresight and sustainable S&T public policy design. Avaliable at Technology in Society https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0160791X24003063

    Posted on: 18/11/2024

    Last Edited: 4 months ago

    Rosa Berndt1

    Posted on: 18/11/2024

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    Daniel Ferreira1

    Posted on: 18/11/2024

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    Norbert Kołos1

    Posted on: 18/11/2024

    Last Edited: 5 months ago

    The Five Dimensions of Futures ConsciousnessMarch 2018

    Posted on: 09/11/2024

    Last Edited: 5 months ago

    Futures Consciousness Scale1

    Collaborative research on the human capacity to understand, anticipate, prepare for, and embrace the future.

    About Futures Consciousness

    The futures consciousness concept and scale has been developed by researchers at the Finland Futures Research Centre (University of Turku) and University of Geneva, with help from other contributors. Teach the Future received a grant from the World Futures Studies Federation (WFSF) and the Prince Mohammad bin Fahd University (PMU) to adapt the Scale for use by young people, ages 12-18. The results of that grant are being submitted for publication by the partners. After that, the Scale will be available for use by schools and other organizations that work with youth. The details will be published on this page shortly.
    Take the test.
    The Five Dimensions of Futures Consciousness are:

    • time perspective; the ability to be aware of the past, present and future, as well as the way events follow each other over time
    • agency beliefs; basic sense of confidence that an individual has in their own ability to influence the external world
    • openness to alternatives; abilities used to critically question commonly accepted ideas and influences an individual’s willingness to consider alternative ways of being and doing
    • systems perception; the ability to recognize human and natural systems around us including groups, societies and ecosystems
    • concern for others; relates to the degree to which an individual pursues favourable futures for a group beyond themselves

    Our partners

    Teach the Future collaborates with the University of Turku in Finland, the Finland Futures Research Centre and Digital Futures to research and promote the work in the context of education and (young) students. Sanna Ahvenharju, Matti Minkkinen and Fanny Lalot are the research experts that developed the futures consciousness concept and scale. 

    Our activities

    Teach the Future supports the de velopment of a scale matching the language and level of young people. This project is in collaboration with schools in the Netherlands, Italy, Turkiye, United States, and United Kingdom. And we thank our sponsor the Prince Mohammad Bin Fahd, Center for Futuristic Studies.
    Next to this we support the testing. Erica Bol has wo rked with Martin de Wolf of the Master Learning and Innovation at the Fontys University of Applied Sciene. She designed a futures lesson program supporting the Master program and tested if the students futures consciousness improved. The students did a test before and after the lessons program. A paper on the project and results are published in FUTURES issue 12-2022.


    Posted on: 09/11/2024

    Last Edited: 5 months ago

    How will we disgust our descendants?1

    It would be short-sighted to assume that we, as humanity, have reached such a level of maturity that our descendants will not find some aspects of our – apparently civilised – everyday life repulsive and sad.
    So we asked 60 futurists from around the world: “What will we disgust our descendants with?
    Many of the submitted ideas are already present in public discourse and confirm areas in which we need to change. But we were especially interested in novel barbarisms that humanity is still largely oblivious to.
    The resulting infographic shows the futurists’ answers grouped into 93 contemporary barbarisms ranked in a public vote according to how eye-opening they are.

    4CF The Futures Literacy Company 


    Posted on: 22/10/2024

    Last Edited: 5 months ago

    On engaging meaningfully with futures with Peter BishopJune 2024

    Futures4Europe conversations

    This is the first episode of Futures4Europe conversations, initiated by the Eye of Europe project – a series of dialogues between Bianca Dragomir and professionals from all over the world, who engage in work that is future sensitive.

    About this episode - On engaging meaningfully with futures

    Often framed as a professional activity essential for 'planning', guiding 'decision making' or 'orienting strategies', futures studies could be more generously placed in the realm of humanities where, along other human capacities, imagination and anticipation should be nurtured and celebrated.

    In this light, futures education is more like a tending a garden. Like doing the soil work that turns it into the fertile ground for seeds to grow into 'flowers' such as human creativity, a heightened awareness of the mechanisms of change, agency coupled with humility, a sense of taking part into shaping something yet non-existent.

    Peter Bishop, founder of Teach the Future, argues that this garden should be welcoming everyone, including young people, or perhaps especially them.

    Posted on: 21/10/2024

    Last Edited: 5 months ago

    Bianca Dragomir1

    Live deeply and tenderly

    Vice-president, foresight expert
    Foresight expert

    Posted on: 14/10/2024