Last Edited: 24 days ago
Scenarios for the future of school education in the EUSeptember 2023
A Foresight Study
The foresight study focused on school education (ISCED levels 1-3) in the EU. It aimed at:
- developing four scenarios, describing potential alternative futures of the school education in the EUby 2040.
- identifying the preferred scenario developments.
- providing recommendations on the policy measures that could be introduced, or strengthened, tohelp school education in the EU move towards the preferred future scenario.
The development of the scenarios was based on the factors of change1, identified through desk research, horizon scanning, and extensive stakeholder involvement. More than 80 European Commission officials, school education experts, representatives of teacher, student and headmaster umbrella organisations, and other stakeholders, from across the EU, contributed to the study, by participating in four workshops, a Delphi survey, and interviews.
Posted on: 29/01/2025